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Added 8 months ago

Easy to look past the recently announced Board Changes as all in the course of business. Someone stands down and someone new (with perfect skill set) steps up.AGM on the 22 November 2023.

Worth checking out the Banyan Software website. You will quickly realise that the newly appointed Non Exec Director may have a different agenda. Whether Ian has initiated this is anybody's guess, but on the back of a challenging year (program delays), the inability to land the FULL cap raise, the fall-out in terms of investor sentiment and the share price, and then comments like 90 days comes around too quickly (ASX reporting), just maybe they are seeing this as a pathway to de-list / go Private.

Herewith Banya Software's Xmas message end CY22....

Looking forward to an exciting 2023!

We're excited to have grown to 25 businesses and over 1000 employees across North America, the UK and Europe, and Australia. And, we're proud to continue to be 100% referenceable by all the owners who have chosen us as the next permanent home for their business. There's significant capital behind us and we expect to be very active across Australia and New Zealand in the year ahead.

My money is on a much bigger agenda here.


8 months ago

Interesting thought @RobW, you could be on to something!


8 months ago

And so......please excuse my ignorance, however if this was to happen what would some possible scenarios be for a lowly small holding shareholder such as myself?


8 months ago

Is this likely to be a good or bad thing?


8 months ago

Well, it's all speculation, so anything is possible. The downside could be that it gets taken out at a price not reflective of its true value. The upside is that it gets taken out at a price that is not reflective of the true value.. (but in the other direction!). Or it could just be that you now hold shares in an unlisted company.. (unlikely, I'd imagine, but I've seen it before.)

Or maybe nothing happens!


8 months ago

I reckon you are onto something @RobW.

Banya will very soon know what price to pay if they are planning to add 3DP to their Christmas Stocking.

That will be a point of difference to the market which has pushed the price all over the place in the last few years.

It's been a 30 bagger from $0.025c in the covid crash to $0.80 and now down over 90% from that high point.

The board only own 8.5% if you include Ian's wife (I think), Jennifer & Ian Olsen hold 7.4% so they are a sitting duck for any hunters with the ammo and stomach for this sort of deal.

One potential blocking stake is the largest holder who is Cartovista Pty Ltd with 14.85% holding. They are a GIS mapping company in Cottesloe - just up the road from the 3DP office in Subiaco. So not sure if the relation to 3DP is purely financial but I'd guess there's more to it than that...

@Strawman summed it up well, could be anything or nothing, but I reckon it's likely something in between (i.e. I have no idea).

Disc: Held


8 months ago

Hi Pheadrus

Any such deal would likely present upside on the current share price. The downside is if a deal is settled at say 12c, you get an immediate windfall vs today's share price, but then denied all the potential for highly profitable growth over say, the next decade. Almost akin to when a large established Company buys a small Company with great potential. Even if the large Company structures a share offer, your interest is diluted via the returns ex a mature Company. There are exceptions of course. Would not be the case with Banyana as it is not a listed entity and from my Research has no listed partner Companies in their stable.



8 months ago

Thanks Rob

That is pretty much along the lines of what I was thinking but nice to have it laid out so clearly. I hear you on the potential upside loss and as a shareholder I still have faith in that upside - however having ridden them up and down it feels like I am always left hanging when the quarterly's / yearly's come out. I think the current share price shows I am not Robinson Crusoe in that regard.

Anyway, even if it went out with a bang at 12c at this stage it would simply decrease the amount of tax credit I could claim on the loss!