Forum Topics SKS SKS Suspension

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Added 8 months ago

It seems the ASX isn't happy with SKS Technologies (~$30M contract & increase to CBA Banking facilities) announcement yesterday. They were suspended from quotation until further detail are provided.

Today the chairman accouned at the AGM: "At this point, we are unable to disclose the counterparty to this contract and as such, in line with ASX listing rule 17.3, until such time as this is possible, the ASX requires the Company to halt trading. Our expectation is that this information will be disclosed over the coming week when we are able to do so."

In the big scheme of things, this seems reasonable and a minior inconvenance.

8 months ago

@Colflan At the AGM management were saying likely an announcement Monday. Client didn't want to be named initially, but given ASX pushback they will allow it.