Forum Topics BOT BOT Capital Raising

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Added 8 months ago

Botanix has successfully raised $13.5m via institutional investors in preparation of approval and a launch of their 'Sofdra' product in the USA.

Unfortunately management have made no mention of a retail shareholding placement. I always find such scenarios ridiculous and speaks of the arrogance and contemptuous of management towards their retail investors when capital raising aren't also offered to them. While personally this won't affect me as I already have my fill and would not have participated myself, I feel others in my position should have been offered the opportunity to obtain more shares at the discounted rate. Currenlty the share price is still hovering around $0.15 while institutional investors accessed a price of $0.13.

8 months ago

Couldn't agree more with you @occy in fact I shoot off a note to management everytime I come across this detailing our frustration and disappointment of continually being ignored and although I know this will have little effect I alway's feel the need to give retail investors a voice whenever possible.


8 months ago

Well at least botanix raised money without the lead managers chipping in. And it looks like they did not need money from retail.

I do agree this raise sounds like a club for the big boys. And the big question is whether those involved will try and realise a quick profit or are in it for the long haul.