Forum Topics AVA AVA Sydney Trains Support Agreemen

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Added 8 months ago

Barely warrants a post, but AVA have announced a 5 year support agreement with Sydney Trains valued at $500k.

It's associated with their perimeter detection product, which Sydney trains have been using for some time already.

So it's good they extended the agreement, it's nice to have recurring revenue locked in (and I'm sure it doesn't take much work/cost to deliver on given the nature of the product) but it's very small in the grand scheme of things. Will need a lot of these kind of deals if they are to get close to their aspirational targets.

The announcement was marked as market sensitive, which I thought was a bit odd. It feels too small a contract to be sensitive, and if it is, I'd have hoped to have seen a lot more of these sized deals announced!

8 months ago

Announce the 5 year $500k deal but hide the new CTO from the public.

That’s just weird.