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Added 7 months ago

Over the last couple of days managing director Scott McMillan has been doing some pretty decent buying.

15/12 - bought 88,339 shares ($250,459 worth) in the family investment trust. He also received another 46,047 shares as part of his performance bonus.

20/12- bought 21,661 shares ($64983) in his super fund.

That is a pretty strong statement about how he thinks the company is performing and where it is going. Nice bit of confirmation bias for me too.

7 months ago

Always nice to see the director buying, but keep in mind that Scott also sold a lazy $2.2m in shares in March 2021. I am always skeptical when directors buy a relatively small amount of shares relative to their net worth and share holding, as they could well be doing it to support the share price. Not to say there is anything wrong with the company and thesis here, as it has always been very well managed, just that I wouldn't be going and buying this on the director buying alone.