Forum Topics LBL LBL Market clarification

Pinned straw:

Added 7 months ago


Dear Shareholders

Market Clarification

Investors may have read an online post today presenting misleading information about the

company and its performance and asserting personal opinions about the current

management and board.

LaserBond rejects these unfounded and disingenuous allegations. The individual responsible

for circulating this information has, during the course of 2023, made numerous attempts to

return to LaserBond in a non-executive or executive role, all of which have been unsuccessful

for several reasons. The Board does not believe their return is in the company's and its

shareholders' best interests.

If anyone would like further information, please email

providing your name and contact number, and the Chairman, CEO and/or CFO will be in

contact directly:

Approved for lodgement by the Board of LaserBond.

7 months ago

Sure hope this doesn't end up being a sh*tshow like RFT recently.

I don't know about Greg's skin in the game, but I - like many others here - sure have some :D

7 months ago

Yes its on LBL's hotcopper page, Gregory hooper who resigned in 2020 was commenting on it.


7 months ago

Any ideas who the “individual” is?


7 months ago

5c7aa972436cf9925498e961c81704de452acc.pngLooks to me like the "individual" is Gregory Hooper @AUROPAL - and that his Hotcopper handle is GrassHopper59

Same initials (GH), born in 59? He is the brother of the current CEO, Wayne Hooper, and Gregory was the original founder of the business with help and support from his parents. To be more specific, Gregory started up HVOF Australia Pty Ltd in 1992 and brother Wayne was invited by the family to join the business in 1994 to assist in driving its growth - according to their own website (2nd link below). HVOF grew into the business we now know as LaserBond. Wayne is still there as CEO and executive director, but Gregory left the company in July 2020. He may have retired and now wants back in? Grasshopper59 is claiming on HC that he now has offers to work in roles where he would be in direct competition with LBL.

See here:

And here:

And here:

And here:

From that LinkedIn Page:


I am an innovative entrepreneur who leads by example, boasting over four decades of comprehensive experience in Thermal Spray, reclamation welding, engineering, business start-up, and development. This extensive journey includes more than 20 years of specialisation and advancement in Laser Cladding. My track record demonstrates exceptional and proven problem-solving and analytical skills.

My entrepreneurial spirit is a driving force, marked by a curious enthusiasm for experimentation, and an eagerness to tackle new challenges with patience and perseverance. My defining achievement lies in my pivotal role as the lead contributor to the remarkable growth and development of Laserbond Limited. I joined forces with my parents in 1992, transforming it from a fledgling surface engineering start-up into the thriving public company it is today.



Founder / Executive Director

LaserBond Limited (ASX:LBL) Full-time

Nov 1992 - Nov 2020 · 28 yrs 1 mo

Australia · On-site

I am the visionary founder of Laserbond Limited, a specialised surface engineering company established in 1992 with invaluable support from my parents. Our core mission revolves around advancing materials, technologies, and methodologies to enhance the operational performance and lifespan of critical machinery components.

Laserbond's remarkable growth is rooted in our unwavering commitment to innovation and technology leadership across three key surface engineering domains:

Tribology and Performance Optimization: We delve deep into the realm of wear and performance analysis of critical machinery components.

Metallurgy and High-Performance Materials: Our expertise extends to the science of developing cutting-edge, high-performance materials.

Material Selection and Application Technology: We specialise in optimising a wide range of materials and application technologies.

Within this dynamic journey, I have held a pivotal role and accomplished notable milestones:

  • Individually responsible for material selection, analyses and parameter development for both Thermal Spray, and Laser Cladding Technologies.
  • Built, managed and operated analysis laboratory, including Joel SEM, optical microscope, micro and macro hardness testers, mounting and polishing equipment.
  • Invented, designed and manufactured world first Inert Gas Shrouded, Water Cooled, Gravity / Pressure Fed, Off Axis Laser Cladding Nozzle.
  • Invented, designed and developed, High Speed Laser Cladding Method patent.
  • Developed materials and processing parameters for Fe based Laser Clad Hard Chrome replacement deposits, (E-Clad).
  • Developed materials and processing parameters for high-impact WCNiX Laser Clad deposits, (Crushalloy). This material is used on all laserbonds steel mill roll offerings.
  • Developed materials and processing parameters for trademark NanoClad deposits.
  • Developed materials and processing parameters for trademark MicroClad deposits.
  • Spearheaded Laserbond's greenfield expansion into SA.

--- end of excerpt --- from Gregory's more up-to-date LinkedIn page, but he has a second one:


Photo Source: His other LinkedIn account: where his status is listed as "Retired" but says he remains a "consultant" to LBL.

Don't know why he parted ways with the company in July 2020. I reckon @Wini might have an idea, since he's all over this company.

Here's a small excerpt from that HC post I linked to above:

"What I am doing is most probably all in vain, but I did have to give it one last shot. My passion for the company I founded, and the industry we serve, has been a driving force in my life since I was 23. This passion has been a constant, even through my darkest times. Now, as I stand at a crossroads, I find myself considering offers that, ironically, would place me in direct competition with the very company I birthed and nurtured. This is far from my ideal scenario, but the industry is ripe with opportunities for innovation, and my desire to contribute remains undiminished."


By the way, the guy they put in as CEO when they floated in 2007, Tim McCauley has an old (obviously unused) LinkedIn page saying he's still the CEO and the Chairman at LBL - see here:

That page suggests he's been LBL's Chairman and CEO since January 2005, so 19 years in those roles so far...

Here's what he's really doing now:


Tim left LBL in March 2014. Greg left in July 2020.

My money's on Greg, not Tim, based on what Grasshopper59 is claiming on HC. If that is correct, and I'm 98% sure it is, that would also explain why LaserBond worded their own announcement about this so carefully and politely. It's a pity, but I'm thinking the brothers probably won't be seeing much of each other over Christmas...



7 months ago

Excellent sleuthing as always @Bear77

Now I’m very curious as to why he departed in 2020 and why they don’t want him back.

it could be as simple as him wanting a senior role with influence they don’t want to give, or it could be something more sinister.


7 months ago

The guy says he has "passion for the company I founded" but, from what I can see, he doesn't own any shares. Why is that?

Whatever his motivations, I would back self-interest over altruism every time. Especially when there is such a strange disconnect between his stated passion for the business and the fact he has, at some point, sold down/out.


7 months ago

Towards the end of that HC post that I linked to @UlladullaDave he has said that the other poster is substantially correct that he has sold down all of his LBL shares over the last few years and has never taken part in the DRP, unlike his brother Wayne who has not sold any shares and has always taken part in the DRP, but claims that he still has some "skin in the game", - although that could be 1 share for all we know. Here's the section, reproduced:

# You have been a constant seller of shares over the years & never participated in DRP....You started with >8m in 2007 , now you have no skin in the game whatsoever......Wayne on the hand hasn't sold a single share & always participated in DRP.....He has vested interest......Who do we trust?

I do still have some skin in the game, but for the most part you are correct.

I have never required security and have always regarded money as means to an end.

My passion, love, and drive for the surface engineering industry is what has catapulted the company, not my shareholding.

-- end of excerpt ---

I agree @UlladullaDave that his claim of "passion for the company" does not line up well against having sold either all or the vast majority of his LBL shares.

What he appears to have is more a passion for the industry at this point which has prompted a renewed interest in the company he founded.


7 months ago

@Bear77, great summary as always.

I'm afraid there isn't much more I can really add about Greg. I met him once at the FY19 AGM, he was previously based in the Adelaide workshop so wasn't around for the couple of site visits I've done. Based on my only interaction with him, it was pretty clear he was the brains behind the product but had very little interest in running the actual business. Honestly, I felt the situation worked well. Greg as the product lead, Wayne as the business lead.

At the time of Greg's retirement I don't think it was a surprise. The business brought in Thomas Schlaefer to take over from Greg and they had a year or two handover. Greg stayed on as a consultant which is pretty normal. Until this incident I just assumed all was well and he was continuing in that role.

I've read through his HC posts, I really struggle to see the issues he is raising. There are vague claims about the business not driving innovation hard enough, it is difficult to say whether that is true. He also seems to really want to push geographical expansion quicker, and thinks Wayne and co are being too conservative. Again, it may be true but from the outside looking in I think the steady approach is appreciated in what has been a tough capital market particularly for microcaps.

One of Greg's HC posts said mental health was one of the reasons for his early retirement, I hope all is well with him but I can't support any of his claims or proposed actions here. Hopefully it doesn't cause too much of a distraction for the rest of the LBL team in the business and can be sorted out relatively quickly. I'm sure Greg still has plenty to offer the business given his expertise, but a more co-operative approach is required.


7 months ago

@Wini sums it up perfectly "I'm sure Greg still has plenty to offer the business given his expertise, but a more co-operative approach is required."

The behaviour on display is not advised in any of the guides I've read about on how best to prepare yourself to be considered for an executive management role. Very odd behaviour indeed, and all lead me to wonder, is he OK?


7 months ago

Sadly I suspect you might be right @mikebrisy It would likely account for both historical events and present behaviour.


7 months ago

You added plenty there thank you @Wini - including some context and some history - I was confident you could fill in the blanks - and you did.

Much appreciated!

I agree that it isn't behaviour that would be considered constructive by most people, rather, more destructive, which is a real pity. I think we have to back the current Board and Management in their assessment that Gregory returning to a Board or executive role at LaserBond would not be in the best interests of the company or its shareholders given the way he's gone about things lately.

Disclosure: Not a current holder, they are on a watchlist of mine.


7 months ago

What he appears to have is more a passion for the industry at this point which has prompted a renewed interest in the company he founded.

Or the passion for the $350k/year he was being paid at LBL. The whole thing reads like a "give me a job or I'll take my technical know-how to a competitor."

Getting on Hotcopper and ladling out some pretty heavy handed, and personal, criticisms of the current board and management at LBL is hardly the way to work through this.