Forum Topics ALC ALC Wins and renewals 2019-2024

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Last edited 6 months ago


Notes from contracts/renewals 

  • In red i've marked what appears to be contracts that lapsed without renewal, 
  • in yellow contracts that are up for renewal/extension this year.
  • I couldn't figure out what was actually different from the second Leidos announcement in May 2022 to the first in December 2021 so I just omitted it.
  • The sheer concentration of renewals and new contracts in the UK apart from Leidos in Australia shows they’re highly concentrated in the UK
  • They have a concentration risk with 2 clients Leidos and South Tees, but while larger, their contracts are also much longer than others.
  • March/April seems to be by far the biggest time for contract wins, closely followed by November/December.


Dates on this aren't exact, they're the month of the announcement.

*EDIT* I've updated the date formats to be DD-MM-YYYY as the default format was American and misleading.

6 months ago

@Seasoning good work here, I fear that although ALC may have a better product, that the larger competitors win by having a broader suite of products causing customers to consolidate to one supplier. a good question for Kate, bad news if holds. (has been raised on SM before). note i am not an expert on this industry


6 months ago

@Solvetheriddle ... which raises the question, if the product set is good and the customers are good and the SP languishes due to slowing sales momentum, isn't it just a matter of time before $ALC gets taken out to complement another's portfolio, e.g., a "small" US player looking for international expansion. (Not sure who the candidates would be here.)

A bit like $VHT - not at critical scale to be an sttractive, sustainable, listed business, but good tech.


6 months ago

@mikebrisy possible Mike, i cant maintain a thesis on hope of M&A , I hold both ALC and VHT, the difference (to me) was VHT was seeing positive momentum in business, as we have discussed before. a bid could come for ALC at an unattractive price as well--ie below current SP if fundamentals continue to deteriorate

just my view could be wrong


6 months ago

@Solvetheriddle Yes, TBH, I am sitting on a broken thesis with $ALC and scaled back my position a little in May-23 (RL and SM) on falling conviction.

I'm reluctant to exit today, because I believe the SP is now significantly under-valued. Yes, things can always go lower, but I am rolling the dice on 1) positive news flow in the near term or 2) a decent aggregate result at the next regular report or 3) M&A, which while not a reason to hold on its own, has a reasonable chance in the current environment (25-50%).

So it sits at the bottom of my conviction list. I would sell if I need the capital for a better idea, although I have just cashed in $VHT, so the need is not yet imminent.


6 months ago

Opted to cash out rather than vote against VHT @mikebrisy ??


6 months ago

Too right @Solvetheriddle

The South Tees renewal was pretty illuminating. I think it laid bare just how little pricing power ALC actually has and how badly they have read the UK market.

At this point it will take more than a couple of contract wins to turn the tide of sentiment. It just doesn't look that cheap to me given the business has lost so much momentum over the last 12-18 months and it is becoming apparent it is not a category killer app, just one of many with the shortcomings around being a modular offering that you highlighted.

The final nail in the coffin for me was them being caught napping wrt that cap raise. That's business 101 as far as I'm concerned.


6 months ago

Yeah I have reduce my position size (at a loss) by half in the last few months.

I think my view of the business and their strategy has changed since their last capital raise and I've been trying to come to terms with thesis creep and the sunk cost fallacy.

6 months ago

What I summarize from this is that if all those yellows don’t renew by end of feb. I will sell at market that day as it would be a grenade in the coffin thesis bust.

Really we should be seeing a flurry of positive announcements to herald a turnaround in market sentiment as they all hopefully re sign longer and larger contracts


6 months ago

I've updated the graphic as it was set to MM-DD-YYYY by default, just in case your February comment was based on that misleading you.


6 months ago

Ahhhhh. Yes that got me.

That would have been quite a nice proxy in the context of the recent bad news.