Forum Topics NCK NCK 1H FY24 Results

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Added 6 months ago

$NCK announced their HY results this morning....always fast out of the blocks in reporting.

ASX Announcement


My Analysis

A slight beat on NPAT guidance of $40-42m ($41m consensus).

Revenues were down 20.2% cycling a very strong pcp half, and negative operating leverage pulled NPAT down 29%.

Online sales are doing well, up 22.5% - on a small base.

Improved GM%, up 360 bps and operating expenses were well-controlled.

On the cash side, operating CF of $66.79m is up 16% on the PCP, a strong result and a further $20m of debt was paid down, reducing LT debt from $89m to $69m. Not bad to be achieving that at or close to the bottom of the retail cycle, while still investing $14m in expansion and store upgrade.

Overall, a very good result in the context of the toughening environment for discretionary retail.

The store build-out program and rationalisation continued in line with strategy. There are now 64 Ncik Scali stores and 44 PLush stores, against the target of 86 (NCK) and 90-100 (Plush), which indicates ANZ store count growth remaining of 63-72%.

Looking to the FY, January written sales are up 3.6% over pcp (2.6% LFL) ... which I put down to strong promotions over the summer period, [judging by the number of 20-50% sale emails I received over the last 4-6 weeks. Whatever they have been doing on promotions hasn't hit %GM, so it will be interesting to see if this holds up in H2.]

While there's no forward guidance this morning, with consensus for FY NPAT at $74m, there is some room for a weaker send half of $31m to still meet FY consensus. The H2 FY24 number will be cycling $40.5m in H2 FY23.

The combination of the slide earnings beat and good news for January might see FY consensus tick up a few points.

My Key Takeaway

$NCK continues to weather the storm well.

$NCK SP rallied quite hard in December off the back of the strong November retail number, but has wound back somewhat in recent weaks, again due to the weaker picture on retail.

I'm not expecting a significant market reaction to today's result. The next 6 months could still be tough, particularly if the RBA doesn't cut rates until the second half, as this will be the first 6 month period with the lion's share of the mortgage fixed rate cliff run-off is largely played out, reflecting a lot of discretionary spending capacity out of the market. That said, with house prices and jobs market holding up, immigration still strong, and inflation moderating, consumer confidence can be expected to improve, aided by the redistribution of stage 3 tax cuts as this comes closer.

I'm still hoping to increase my holding of $NCK, but I don't think the market is going to offer me the opportunity this week. (I'd prefer to top up below $11.00)

So, I'm a HOLD for now.

Disc: Held in RL and SM

6 months ago

"I'm not expecting a significant market reaction to today's result."

That comment didn't age too well! Guess I was expecting a solid result but others weren't.



6 months ago

I wasn’t expecting the market to react with such exuberance either @mikebrisy. I was happy with the result, a small beat on guidance and consensus, strong cash flows, debt reduced, small improvement in debt/equity. However, a 13% jump in share price…you could knock me over with a feather!


6 months ago

sorry maybe repeats what mike said, he is too fast for me, call just ended.


The company guided to $40-42m and came in with $43m. Revenues $227m were a bit softer than I was thinking but cost control through optimisation and falling logistical expenses made up the difference. GM improved from 62% to 65.6%, about the same as 2H23. Well run good cost control. The six months to June saw $224m in revenues but in a seasonally weaker period. The company stated January up 3.6%pcp, continuing Q23 strength. Q1 was soft.

The LT store roll targets look to have been moved up for Plush 90-100 (maybe im wrong here), NS stays at 86 stores. Taking the midpoint of Plush and assuming 5 years to execute and similar size stores would add 8% pa to sales, which is meaningful and a core of the thesis.

Looks to be a bottoming in sales but is dependent on the broader spending environment.

The debt from the Plush acquisition continues to be paid down. $20m paid this half, $28m to go, overall $4m ND.

Mentioned consumer sentiment could be improving.

I see double-digit cagr on NCK including a dividend from $12.42 over the next 5 years at a relatively lowish risk.
