Forum Topics JAN JAN Big Contract Win

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Added 6 months ago

JAN signed an agreement with the NSW Department of Education (the department) and Cambridge University Press & Assessment (Cambridge) to deliver the state’s selective education placement tests as computer-based test via Janison’s digital assessment platform 

  • Won via competitive tender
  • Largest contract signed in JAN’s history
  • Estimated 30,000 students take the test each year
  • Scope includes delivery of: (1) Placement Tests (2) Computer-based test platform (3) Managing Test Centres including invigilation
  • Extends 20+ years relationship with the NSW Dept of Education and bolsters JAN’s relationship with Cambridge
  • Up to A$45m over the initial 5 year term, with option to extend a further 5 years
  • Work to commence on new platform and services in early 2024, pilots to be concluded in 2024, full rollout of the digital assessment platform for the department will be completed in 2025

Very nice win and good to have some good news. Market popped 50% today!

Discl: Held IRL

6 months ago

The company issued a clarification this morning that the contract is basically worth $10 million per annum after the initial ramp up phase. Not bad considering revenue last year was $41 million, but the 40% jump in the share price yesterday seems a bit of a knee jerk reaction.

I am a huge fan of this company and its potential, I can't see that it has any meaningful competition but its progress in signing up other states outside NSW seems to be woeful, growth of the PISA program seems to have stalled, and the sudden departure of CEO David Caspari has not been explained satisfactorily.

The new CEO has excellent credentials, so I'll hang in there. Come on Janison, its time to lift your game.

6 months ago

Blooming nice. we'll see what the sentiment holds like over the next week and i may add to my position. Rather buy on the up and up please.


6 months ago

I hear you @Foolednomore! Im still hesitant to top up and average down right now - am wanting to see what the new CEO brings to the table first. Would have been good if this win was under her leadership - it would inspire confidence, but she only starts in the next 1-2 months I think.