Forum Topics DRO DRO Bull Case

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Last edited 5 months ago

The buyers side is not dropping away and investors are lining up to get in.

The market was possibly waiting for evidence of what the company could achieve. Its latest results show / suggest they are no longer just talking about potential sales but actually making sales and demand is increasing.

I can’t help but think this has more to run considering the industry tail winds and evidence of execution. Of course for traders opportunities may present as it’s only wishful thinking this is going up in a straight line…though it would be nice…ha ha.

With a target of 300-500m in revenue within 5 years I would think this 400m MC will be much higher come years end. Let’s see.

As a holder it’s nice to see a stock run on actual fundamentals. I think it’s a great example of those stocks that Andrew mentions have a price miss-match. So when the market does take notice (wakes up) they can run.

In saying all of this it definitely seems to be one of the “it’s hot to own stocks” so I am sure there is some FOMO also backed in, but then again how many of us said that about Promedicus? Just look at it now!!

5 months ago

I can Say that the price will need to go much higher than 0.70 to take out the divergence showing up on my chart and Stochastic.

See the green circles. Price higher high while indicators lower.
