Forum Topics GMG GMG ASX Announcements

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Last edited one year ago

1H23 announcement here


A surprisingly bullish forecast.

REITs generally are expected to take a bit of a beating over the coming 6-12 months as their assets get revalued (down) and interest costs and gearing get re-stated (up). Currently most REITs are on a dividend yield of 4-5% which compares very unfavourably to a risk free cash deposit or government bond yield of marginally less: there is next to no risk premium for these assets.

GMG is a bit different in that it has direct holdings in industrial real estate (distributions and fulfilment centres) but is also an industrial property (re-)developer and manager of these assets for other clients. Clients provide the majority of the working capital. For these reasons I think it is considerably less risky than the only other REIT I hold ASX:CIP. (I am avoiding Retail and Office REITs like the plague). It is unlikely that the outsized recent returns are going to be repeated ad infinitum as the re-development opportunities become less obvious and competition for greenfield sites increases.

I like that it is geared very modestly 9.7% (20.7% look through) though I anticipate this will rise with asset price re-valuations.

They are forecasting a rise in EPS of 13.5% for the full year.

I would love to see an increase in the dividend which has stayed flat at 30cps for a number of years now, but management state they can generate attractive returns by re-investing into a growing business.

5 months ago

A year on. This has aged well


5 months ago

How come we can comment on a stale straw but we can not vote it up ?? Seems like a bug. @Strawman ? Ideally, all votes should stay in place and we should still be able to upvote stale staws also. They could just be marked as stale to alert people that the info may no longer be applicable or up to date - without affecting the voting. JMO FWIW.


5 months ago

@Bear77 agree! There is such a treasure trove of great insight here, going back years.


5 months ago

@Strawman maybe as a new feature we can add some kind of voting based on the predictive value of an old post.

For example a vote up or down once a post goes stale. The upvotes would rank quite highly and over time as this platform ages there will become a suite of users who display a higher level of predictive value to their posts.

@mikebrisy @Bear77


5 months ago

thanks @TycoonTerry

coincidentally I sold out on Friday.

As per @Rick and my interaction with the McNiven valuation method (I refuse to call it "StockVal" - it's just sooo......cheesy). I was having a go at a bunch of my holdings in Super, and GMG stuck out as possibly a bit richly priced. Turns out I was right:

Using a required return of 10% and an ROE of 15% the McNiven Machine valued GMG at $18.47 as opposed the price of $26.60

Morningstar also have fair value at a similar price. I think it's a great company with a long history of creating value. I believe it will continue to do well but it's just a bit too thematically hot at the moment. I could come to regret this, of course, bit like selling out of PME at 75 bucks or whatever it was. I will definitely look to re-enter at a better valuation down the line, its on the watch-list.

Ill add the valuation in


5 months ago

Agree it looks quite frothy. If there was a large pullback I would enter GMG.

I have been looking at GMG/DUG/NXT as part of a wider AI based theme with long tailwinds behind it as I feel I have foolishly missed the boat on Nvidia et al.

All of those companies are currently at all time highs, however all represent various levels of direct or indirect exposure to the data theme and I have been thinking that they are a way to gain exposure to this trend with more diversified protection on the downside.

Perhaps this could be a topic for a new forum as I would love to hear others views on this.

disc. Hold on strawman and IRL


5 months ago

Actually one for the pod maybe @Strawman . I may or may not have emailed Claude saying similar as I don’t have twitter.

I am deleting all of my social media forums today.


5 months ago

Yeah I need to revisit the whole stale straw thing @Bear77

We're working on some of the suggestions from last month, but I'll definitely make a note of this.


5 months ago

I would also add Infratil to that list.


5 months ago

Perhaps we start a new forum thread on some of these parallel data plays?

It would be highly valuable to have a robust discussion around some of the strengths/ weaknesses and value prop of the companies mentioned.