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Pinned straw:

Added 5 months ago

Returning to strawman after leaving premium some months ago, working where to put the Altium money.

Reflecting on previous small cap mistakes, the once popular (3DP, ALC, EVS), and the more recent medium to large spectacular successes (AD8, MP1, CTT, ALU) and still running PNV, I am thinking of a mix of downtrodden still forecast to grow stocks IEL, RMD and TYR.

Silly question to ask on a service with a ranking system, but what are everyone’s best ideas as to what to do with the proceeds of such a high conviction portfolio staple?

5 months ago

Welcome back @cbirtles

Audinate is similar to Altium in a lot of ways, and may tick the box?

Growing share of a large and attractive market, proven traction, favourable economics, good capital management etc

Also expensive unless they deliver on strong growth assumptions (or cheap if the market is too conservative in the growth outlook!)


5 months ago

Thanks . I know revenue for Audinate is up and their new video tech is growing faster than expected but I was surprised at the share price increase after the numbers came in given the run up.