Forum Topics CDA CDA 1H24 Result

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Last edited 5 months ago

Wow! Codan is up 16.6% today to $9.80. I must admit the market reaction has surprised me a little. When I looked at the results they appeared to be in line with analyst earnings forecasts (3 analysts, Simply Wall Street data) for FY24 of 43cps. Earnings for the half were 20.9cps, so it seems to be on track. Although Revenues look higher than FY25 consensus (Pro rata). Let’s look at the highlights from the Half Year Accounts.

• Group revenue of $265.9 million, up 26% versus prior corresponding period (“pcp”)

• Net profit after tax of $38.1 million, up 24% versus pcp

• Performance by Communications businesses in line with 10 to 15% revenue growth target range:

  • Communications revenues of $153.6 million, up 12.5% versus pcp, segment profit $37.8 million, up 9% versus pcp
  • Communications orderbook of $183 million, +12% versus 30 June 2023

• Metal detection revenues up 49% versus pcp, with all divisions contributing to this growth

• Net debt of $82.5 million at 31 December 2023, having funded $30.3 million for the Eagle and Wave Central acquisitions in the period

• Earnings per share of 20.9 cents, up 22% versus pcp

• Interim dividend of 10.5 cents, fully franked


Sourced from the Presentation

Perhaps all the excitement is over the strong communications order book of $183 million, and the Outlook statement (see below) where management expect to “continue targeting revenue growth in the 10 to 15% range. With the benefit of acquisitions made in FY24, Communications overall growth is expected to exceed the top end of the targeted range.”

…and the Outlook

“When considering the outlook for the balance of FY24:

• After normalising for the large Communications project delivered in FY23 (approximately $20 million), and excluding the benefit of acquisitions, the Company continues to target revenue growth in the 10 to 15% range. With the benefit of acquisitions made in FY24, Communications overall growth is expected to exceed the top end of the targeted range; and

• Minelab is targeting a second half result similar to the first half of FY24, with FY24 revenue growth of 20% versus FY23

The Company will continue to keep shareholders updated as H2 FY24 progresses.”

My View

I’m a big fan of Codan and I’m pleased to see the bounce in the share price today, but I’m still trying to get my head around such huge positivity. @Bear77 is a big fan of Codan too, and I’m keen to hear what he has say about the results.

I think shareholders might be looking back at historical PE ratios and thinking now the company is turning around its now worth a multiple of 23 x FY24 earnings? The last time Codan was trading at a PE of 23x was in 2021 before the Russian Wagner Group all but destroyed artisanal gold mining in Africa. The gold detector business has a higher return on equity than the communications business and we have seen ROE fall from 32% to 17% since 2021 as a result. If someone could get the gold plundering, murderous Russian paramilitary out of Africa then Codan would be back on ROE above 30%. Putin needs the gold to fund the Ukrainian war, so pulling out of Africa is highly unlikely, unless he ends up with some Novichock in his underpants! ( ‘Navalny’ free on SBS is a must watch! A great man murdered by Putin).

Codan is rebuilding and diversifying its business and I expect ROE to improve to low 21% over the next 3 years. I think the current PE multiple is looking a bit high.


Once again I’ll use McNiven’s Formua to value Codan assuming ROE 21%, Equity $2.31 per share (1H24 balance sheet), reinvested earnings 50%, and a required return (RR) of 10%, I get a valuation of $8.60. There’s no doubt Codan is a high quality business, but it’s starting to look a bit pricey. It’s one of our largest holdings IRL (9%) and in my top three on SM (14.8%). However, I think it’s HOLD at these prices. I’m certainly not a seller.

5 months ago

Yes @Rick - Still a big fan of Codan and still holding. Codan is the largest position in my virtual portfolio (a.k.a. "scorecard"), the largest position in my largest real money portfolio, and the second largest position in my SMSF (Audinate, AD8, is now the largest thanks to a +127.5% SP rise from my $9.00/share purchase price in that portfolio), so I think that may help explain just how much I like the company as an investment.

In terms of the positive market re-rate of CDA today, I'm guessing it's the realisation that the Metal Detection business is not actually in decline now - it just had a bad couple of years on the back of lower sales into Africa. Metal Detection (Minelab) was the main driver of the share price in that 2019 to mid-2021 period (see first chart below) - they got to $19.33/share on 14-June-2021. It took the market a while to realise that Comms was the new growth driver for Codan over the past couple of years, and Comms has done very well for them, and their strategic acquisitions haven't done them any harm in that regard either. But Comms wasn't very exciting compared to gold detectors, and the market had mostly moved on and was no longer interested in Codan.

Perhaps some of Codan's prior-year supporters decided to take a fresh look today and jump back on, seeing as Codan appear to be firing on ALL cylinders once again. They were overbought in 2021, and they were oversold in 2022, perhaps in 2024 they will be closer to "fair value"...?


So, between $9 and $19. How does $14 sound? (7 + 7) Splits the difference.

Couple more reports like this and we could see it. I think they're going to be priced for growth again from here until they give the market reason to change their minds again.

ARB is another that was priced for too much growth in 2021 (overbought) and then got oversold in 2022, but they started to head back up in 2023 and the market liked their H1 report in 2024.


There are some similarities between those two charts and also between those two companies, in terms of both CDA and ARB being high quality companies with excellent management who tend to underpromise and overdeliver as a general rule (except for when stuff blindsides them) and both have excellent industry position within their chosen industries, along with superb global distribution networks. Both got overbought in 2021, both had big share price "corrections" in 2022 which took them (IMO) into "oversold" territory, and both are in the "recovery" stage in terms of their graphs. Both also have similar Covid-19 "blips" in early 2020.

ARB has a m/cap of $3.2 billion, so is twice as large as Codan is at this point, but both companies are growing, and Codan is growing faster, so I don't know who will end up as the largest in 10 years' time. I hold ARB in all of those portfolios that I mentioned earlier (that I hold Codan in). Both are high quality larger companies (over $1 billion m/cap) that tend to make up the majority of my real money portfolios, which allows me to take more risk with a smaller part of those portfolios. I like topping up with these sort of high quality $1B+ companies when they've been smashed due to cyclical issues rather than structural ones. They always come back.

However, regarding Codan specifically; In summary, I reckon today's positive market reaction to their H1 report was all about Minelab (CDA's Metal Detection division) returning to growth. Those who had previously jumped ship may now be clambering back onboard.


5 months ago

@Rick and @Bear77 I agree it was strong price reaction. My guess is the big improvement in metal detection was the pleasant surprise for most investors. And management incentives were reset this year based on EPS growth of 8 to 13% going forward, rather than the very low 3% it was previously. I doubt they did that if they didn't think they had a solid chance of achieving it.

After the rise it looks fully valued to me ($9.40 is my revised valuation), so I wouldn't be adding more but happy to keep holding and let compounding work it's magic...


5 months ago

I agree it was a solid result but I am also scratching my head a little at the market reaction. Up 20% on the results seems a bit over the top. I am imagining that the market took this slide to mean West Africa is back. Not sure if that is really correct though. Also minelab benefited from good countermine sales into Ukraine that were one offs.


Still happy to hold but I think it is getting fully priced above $10. Doing some quick sums I have a full year EPS of 0.42c. Which puts CDA on a FY24 PE ratio of 24 at today's price.

I did catch the end of the earnings call yesterday and I thought Alf's closing words were interesting - he basically reiterated that if they can keep revenue growing at 10-15% yoy and extract efficiency gains/cost controls of 1% a year then they will get their margin expansion and continue to do well.

@Rick I am curious if you use the McNivian formulae to inform sell decisions, and do you have rule of thumbs to sell when it is XX% above your estimate of intrinsic value or do you just play it on a stock by stock basis on quality estimates?


5 months ago

@Slideup re your question about when to sell, you are probably asking the wrong person. :) I’m not good at it. I think with some business the best holding time is forever, as Buffet would say.

I’ve sold down many good quality business when I should have held on to them, including Codan. I bought a large parcel of Codan when the market was really down on it at the end of 2022. I even used my Margin Loan to top up. Then I started getting nervous as the share price climbed and my position got larger so I sold some at much lower prices then to today to clear the margin loan and reduce my risk. Lost opportunity, but a profit to reduce some risk seemed to make sense to me at the time. Years ago I sold CSL at $40 only to buy it back several years later at $270!

Selling is hard. Perhaps the best trigger for selling is when you’ve got an average business and there are clearly more attractive opportunities in better quality businesses than the ones you own. I’ve been on this path for a while, it seems to be working, but I’m still working this out! :)


5 months ago

Personally, I think the SP rise is a result of the gold wonks returning and if I am right, these are the folks who kicked this upstairs to around $17. Let them have their fill and thrill.

Yep, good to see the detector business starting to fire, but this has overshadowed the communication business which I think is CDA's 'circus tent centre pole' into the future - the quality of the customers for respective divisions will dicate that.


5 months ago

@Karmast Good call on the reset/rebased management incentives with CDA. Good corporate governance - and you're right - they would only agree to that because they think it's achievable - and EPS growth being a hurdle is something I am a fan of - as it shows good shareholder-management alignment. Sure, they look a little overbought over $10/share, right now, but I believe the market is looking forward a couple of years and pricing in expected growth now, as they have done in prior years before CDA fell from grace over the collapse in Minelab sales into West Africa. While I agree that they look fairly/reasonably priced here rather than being in "bargain territory" as they were in late 2022, I'm not going to underestimate how far they could run with a decent pile-in of people seeking future growth, and now they clearly have two growth drivers, Metal Detection and Communications, so they could attract more than just gold-bugs.

@Slideup - I'm not convinced that the majority of those piling back in to Codan are thinking, "West Africa is back". I think it's more that they are realising that Minelab sales can grow without West Africa - or even without Africa, something the majority of the market had clearly discounted as being a likely reality back in 2022, so now it's more that Codan have runs on the board to prove they can grow both divisions without much in the way of gold detector sales into Africa, a geography that their Minelab (Metal Detection) division relied on heavily in prior years. It's just a full vindication of what Codan management (Alf) has been saying - that they have plenty of opportunities to grow and they are confident of that growth. Head down, work hard, and post good numbers. West Africa might not be back, but Codan is back, baby!