Forum Topics RLF RLF Gronk Ventures

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Last edited 5 months ago

For those interested in the competitive landscape of soil carbon capture and what RLF Agtech is up against. This article is on the non listed LoamBio which is backed by Gronk Ventures.

There are many others too when you do a search on soil carbon capture.

Main point here is they raised 100m in funding which is significant for a private company and why we need to look at both private and public companies to get a real sense of the competitive landscape and why the companies we invest in aren't getting customers or not achieving financial metrics.

I also feel not many investors including myself do enough of this

Quite surprising there are so many players

5 months ago

Should be Grok Ventures run by Mike Cannon Brookes.

Had I known about Loan Bio before I would never have put my money here