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Added 5 months ago

Turns out that EU contract was much more baked in than I thought it would have been given; how prolonged the process was, and; how much the co avoided talking it up or in specifics outside of saying it was transformational and could unlock the broader EU faster. I get the sell but down to 81c seems extreme.

There is a need to find out who won and reassess the competitive landscape.

5 months ago

So far I couldn't find anything about who won. Must be another one of these private companies we know nothing about.

Bit of an overreaction on the selldown. At least now we know why the share price has been going up recently and it wasn't the results which in my opinion were no surprise.


5 months ago

Agree with you both @edgescape and @BkrDzn ; a 33% selldown on a tender lost felt like getting a punch in the nose when a slap in the face would of done the trick.

Interesting to then assume that a lot of smart money would have baked this as a win in their financial models.

This is far from terminal to me. I trust in the founder Alex who seems like a great operator, and am keen to see what they can achieve in the US this year.


5 months ago

Agreed, bad but not a disaster.

The Dutch Police have developed a similar system internally called a MONOcam

Maybe this was the circuit breaker for Acusensus to get a foothold in Europe? Rumblings are Germany is also looking at this from further googling.

However the MONOcam is not foolproof as in this news article when a man was fined illegally for having his hand near his face.

It is interesting that a law enforcement organisation and not a company specialised in AI imaging could develop this system. Kudos to the Dutch Police for taking up the challenge and giving the tech companies a real run for their money.

But I think there are still Acusensus trials ongoing in UK

Maybe bit late to sell now. Will have to hold and see what happens with these recent findings.


5 months ago

MONOcam is actually an Aussie group as it uses the software from OneTask who also licences their software to Jenoptik for the Victoria mobile/seatbelt camera system. I'm interested to see the Aussie CY23 data as I think that system hasn't been as effective as ACE's deployments.


5 months ago

Watched the webinar last night. One question was asked about the competition and Jannink did not give much detail in his answer.

I guess this loss could be a wake up call to do more research on the competition which didn't take much effort to do on my side.

Looks like the market have ACE the benefit of the doubt. Up 10%