@Nnyck777 @Quiltman et al. Thank you for drawing my attention to Monepantel and PharmAust (PAA). After hearing Francesco De Stadis talk about Imugene on ‘The Call’ yesterday, he got me thinking about these types of businesses. Franscesco said “the way I think about it is, you can either donate to the charities, or donate to the companies doing the work in developing the treatments.” He went on to say that you might also get rewarded many times over for your support by investing in the companies.
I talked to my wife about this, and the great work PharmaAust are doing in developing Monepantel for MND/ALS and what a difference this could make to the quality of life for her brother and others with MND.
Today we made a sizeable “donation” by investing in PharmaAust, and perhaps rewarding some of the early investors who have been supporting the company to successfully get Monepantel to this stage.
We have no idea if this business will thrive or not, or if it will be financially viable for us or not. However, the work they have done so far and the work they will continue to do could be life changing for people all over the world who have MND/ALS and similar neurone disorders. We are delighted to be an investor in PharmAus’s work.