Forum Topics DUB DUB Bear Case

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Added one year ago

Big problems at Dubber $DUB and look has been topping up their holdings the whole way along, none other than Thorney.

Not only do Thorney Share holders pay through the roof with egregious fees they also get stellar picks like this. Thorney getting ripped off... beautiful irony.


Added 12 months ago

Rubba dub dub 3 men in a tub, lots of entertainment value here, DUB always reminded me of an episode of Minder. ive gotta motor for you out the back Gov!

i thought maybe i was wrong when the ex CAR cfo joined, then i watched a result that was a decidedly cool team vibe. looks like its all over now

Added one year ago

I have long referred here to $DUB as a cash incinerator ... but I never thought that was literally the case.

Disc: Not held (Sold at $2.82 in May 2021)


Added one year ago

Dubber is not a company I follow, but I note that the founder and now the previous MD/CEO (as he's now been sacked by the Board) relinquished his incentive entitlements for the 2021/22 financial year, worth around $250 K, after their auditors forced them to restate their revenue and their CFO was fired - see here: Dubber [ASX:DUB] Falls 25% on Revenue Restatement and CFO Resignation - Fat Tail Daily [10-Oct-2022]. Guess $250 K is chicken feed when you can misappropriate more than 100 x that ($26.6m) that was supposedly held in a term deposit (but clearly wasn't). If the founder/MD/CEO is a thief, and the previous CFO was incompetent, and likely his successor (as CFO) is fairly useless also if they've just realised that they are missing $26.6 million, then this is clearly another example of a company that should NOT be listed on the ASX - At best, very incompetent management, at worst allegedly dishonest management prepared to steal from the company.



Added 12 months ago

This is one that I unfortunately owned for far too long before finally getting out with very little capital intact.

They seem to have a decent product but management is clearly incompetent and worse, untrustworthy and potentially criminal.


Added 12 months ago

DUB was one of those rare occasions when I mostly sold out at the top as it was all getting a bit silly from a valuation perspective.

I still nursed a huge loss on the 25% I continued to hold. But felt hugely fortunate that it wasn’t the full 100%. Not so with various other I’ll-conceived SaaS companies I held (atomos, damstra to name a couple!)

The go-go days of massive valuations for tech firms seem a long time ago, but it looks like greed is back. I’ll be intrigued to see how long it lasts.

Personally I am struggling to see much value in the ASX at the moment and am happy to pay down investment mortgages and stick spare cash in holding investments (cash and inflation linked bonds).