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Added 4 months ago

ACAD dropping on news of ending their drug trials of antipsychotic drug, pimavanserin, for schizophrenia

Although not directly related to NEU, maybe the news is feeding the fear that Arcadia could struggle financially since this was their main product and perhaps impact milestone payments of Daybue.

I haven't looked in the Arcadia financials to confirm any difficulties. But I doubt this will have any impact.


4 months ago

@edgescape If anything, a failing trial drug will boost cash flows in the short to medium term.

With NUPLAZID FY23 revenues of $550M and DAYBUE of $177M and both growing, $ACAD is forecast to generate FCF of $90M in FY24 and $236M in FY25.

So, I don't see a risk here. Remember, any payment to $NEU is only a minor portion of the windfall that flows to $ACAD.

Of course, that is not the same as saying the failure of Pimanvanserin isn't bad news for $ACAD shareholders - some analysts have lopped 25% off the target price!

If anything, it perhaps raises the stakes for $ACAD to pursue its rights over NNZ-2591 in Retts and Fragile X?


4 months ago

@mikebrisy There is a twitter poster buylowsellhigh spreading FUD on ACAD and NEU at same time. I'm merely trying to set the record straight that there is no impact

I should stop following that account but some of the stuff is hilarious.

On mobile now so bit hard to screen dump the post.


4 months ago

Forgive my ignorance what is FUD?


4 months ago

Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt ...


4 months ago

Ahhh! What all the cool kids are saying. I learn something almost daily from my daughter’s texts so in that spirit Ty (thank you- vowels and consonants are both dying:))