Pinned straw:
@edgescape If anything, a failing trial drug will boost cash flows in the short to medium term.
With NUPLAZID FY23 revenues of $550M and DAYBUE of $177M and both growing, $ACAD is forecast to generate FCF of $90M in FY24 and $236M in FY25.
So, I don't see a risk here. Remember, any payment to $NEU is only a minor portion of the windfall that flows to $ACAD.
Of course, that is not the same as saying the failure of Pimanvanserin isn't bad news for $ACAD shareholders - some analysts have lopped 25% off the target price!
If anything, it perhaps raises the stakes for $ACAD to pursue its rights over NNZ-2591 in Retts and Fragile X?