Pinned straw:
I have been doing some more 'digging'. And I now believe that the $1.68 billion includes the work already performed, long lead items that have been purchased and some of the design work. So that could reduce the amount required for the final capital raise and reduce the dilution. I'm still trawling through the last Definitive Feasibility Study and the cost updates in the quarterly documents...and then working out how much has been spent. Its hard to work out....but it think we could reduce the final equity required by about $100-150million.
So i think the cap raise will be about $400-500 million. (rather than the $650 million I had previously calculated). Obviously this all depends on the funding mix and which off take clients get selected etc. I have also heard that the participants for the final equity raise are all tier one players. Gina R will obviously participate, I also heard a major aussie super fund, and also potentially some of the off take parties may invest equity.
The SP drop, IMHO are the shorters manipulating the price to exit and some traders selling (most would have bought around $0.15 and sold around $0.25). With lots more positive news to come (off takes, commercial debt, equity lined up) etc.....SP will def move up.
If the SP heads back down south of $0.16 i'll be buying more.