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#ARU - 68% Debt Funding Secured
Added a month ago

Export Development Canada has provided US $300 million. Which brings the secured Debt to 68%.

Great news...and once again....selling walls put up to hold the SP in place by manipulators.

Some of my thoughts:

  • This is the first of many more annoucements to come to pump up the SP for a capital raise.
  • I expect these other annoucements to include the final debt package from the Korean Export Credit Agency (or whatever they are called). I know from the CEO that these guys were late to the party and have been coming up to speed. So they will be the last part of the debt package.
  • Then in the background the off take agreements have been in negotiation...with ARU having the upper hand and improving the terms. But these will then drop into an annoucement.
  • Then the Cap Raise. As I have mentioned in other posts, I don't think retail will be included because the ASIC rules state the Offer Price has to be at a discount to the av monthly SP. And this will be too low. Whereas for instiutions they can have the offer price at any price.
  • Over the weekend, a group of us ARU shareholders went over everything. Including many news paper articles, asking the authors who their sources were, speeches from US delegations in Australia, the White House policy annoucements etc etc.....And we think that there could be an annoucement 'soon' about Nolans Phase 2....and a US bueiness related to US Defence....taking a large % of Phase 2 and potentially finacning it. There is a bit of specuialtion in this......but there are too many public comments made in speeches etc. And US Govt is worried about China stopping/reducing export of NdPr.

So i'm probably going to add to my holding. I can't do this on Strawman because of the % rules.

Even if retail do get to partake in a cap will be at higher prices than now.

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Valuation of $1.250
Added a month ago

-      The modelled cashflows show a SP around $1.00-1.50 is realistic.

-      NdPr pricing is likely to be strong given the current and prospective geopolitics and commitment of Governments to the energy transition. 

-      ARU has great potential for additional revenues (more NdPr onsite, additional processing of others, acquisitions).

-      Senior management’s incentives aligned with shareholders.

-      Strong environmental credentials.

(Valuation performed 20 May 2024)

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#My ARU Model
Added a month ago

It has been a while since I have tried to value ARU. I have rebuilt my NPV model for ARU given the new information to date. 


Notes on my model:

-      I have used information from the Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) (7 February 2019) and updated for recent events.

-      My model tries to broadly look at the cash flows for 23 years (mine life). It is quite a ‘coarse’ approach but the results are broadly in line with the results of the DFS which would have generated its results from a much more detailed model.

-      I’m not a tax specialist, so I have tried to be conservative with the tax assumptions.

-      I’m unsure how much Phosphoric Acid is to be sold (ie revenue) and how much is retained to offset the opex costs. This is not clear in the DFS. But even if I am wrong, it is only a small amount in the total revenue <5%.

-      I have used a discount rate of 10%. I think this is quite conservative (especially given the Govt backing). But I have kept it at 10% which was also used in the DFS. 

-      For those of you running your own model, be very careful with currencies and units. Lots of data is provided in Chinese, USA and Aust. And different units like Kg, Tonnes etc.

-      It does not factor in the dilution that will happen in the final equity raise. 



Key points to note:

⁃      NdPr Pricing - The NdPr price obviously is key to the profitability of ARU and its corresponding Share Price. So to invest in ARU you need to take a view of the future of NdPr pricing. So I note the following on NdPr pricing:

o  ARU will have lowest opex cost to produce NdPr. So it will have higher margins but also importantly, if the China tensions disappear (unlikely) it can ride out the troughs of NdPr pricing. Also, there is only so long China can sell NdPr at a loss. Or if they do, it will make western countries nervous. They are backing themselves into a corner with this price suppression strategy. 

o  ARU has locked in NdPr Pricing in its offtake agreements that are well above current spot market pricing. This means ARU will be profitable in the short term. 

o  NdPr demand is growing (even with the recent media saying it is not). And there are just no other NdPr projects coming online soon at scale. This will give monopoly type pricing power for ARU for its remaining 15% of supply. And if we can ramp up production, just adds to the profitability.

o  The USA (and soon Euro) China tariffs will create large demand. These tariffs could be increased if Trump wins. This is a massive tailwind for NdPr pricing. I’m yet to estimate the impact of these policies. But I would expect it to be quite large. Again….this is NOT factored into my model’s assumptions. 

⁃      Additional Revenue - ARU should be able to process other companies’ deposits (Minhub?). This is another revenue stream not factored into the model. We have asked ARU to clarify what it can do in this respect. Also, ARU have stated they will seek approval for Phase 2 for Nolans with much more NdPr below 200m. Either of these events will warrant a rerate of the SP. 

⁃      Cost Overrun Risk - Much of the risk for a rare earth project is getting the processing plant working as designed. Lynas had massive issues in the early days. ARU has been on a 20-year journey. So there has been a lot of work done in this space. And the Cost Overrun Facilities provide a good-sized buffer should things not be quite right. So I think this risk has been managed quite well. But something to keep an eye on towards the end of construction and into the ramp up phase. 

⁃      Processing Cost Rebate - The 10% government Processing Cost Rebate is great. But if it is removed by the Liberal Party, it will not have a massive impact on ARU. 


The ARU Model:

Here is a screen shot of the inputs/outputs from my ARU model:





-      The modelled cashflows show a SP around $1.00-1.50 is realistic.

-      NdPr pricing is likely to be strong given the current and prospective geopolitics and commitment of Governments to the energy transition. 

-      ARU has great potential for additional revenues (more NdPr onsite, additional processing of others, acquisitions).

-      Senior management’s incentives aligned with shareholders.

-      Strong environmental credentials.

Note - I will also post on Hotcopper.

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#Update on ARU
Added 2 months ago

I'm back from my honeymoon! So back to 'work'.

I thought it wouid be good to provide an update on ARU and what we know/have and what is coming up.

What we know/have as of 16 May 2024:

  • Aust Govt committed about $840 million in debt and guarentees and cost overrun facilities.
  • Aust Govt, from 2027, will provide a tax rebate of 10% of the cost of production. The Arafura’s definitive feasibility study has opex at US$25.94 which is one of the lowest in the world. And now take 10% off that! Winning!
  • US Govt has place large tarriffs on Chinese EVs. This should help build the western world car makers (US, Euro, Japan, Korea etc). They will need to source their NdPr from ex China. Also Europe will apparently put similar tarriffs in place. So a massive tailwind for ARU.
  • NdPr Price....has gone up a little bit lately. However, still quite low. And this is preventing other rare earth projects progressing. This is good for ARU. When we are in full production Mid way through will take other rare earth projects at least another 5 years to become producers. And ARU could then start it's acquisition plans (according to CEO).

What is to come:

  • There are more Aust Govt cash grants to come form "priority critical minerals projects". Not sure if ARU will get any. But worth keeping an eye on it.
  • Debt package - According to CEO....some of the parties are not working to ARU timelines, but working with their 'internal stakeholder' timelines. From my experience, Govt agencies, like the Export Credit to their own monthly timelines for their credit committees. This is like herding cats. But progress is beign made and it sounds like it WILL happen.
  • Off take agreements - These are largely locked away....and the extra time has allowed for better pricing/terms for ARU. I think Debt and Off take will be announced in quick sucession.
  • Equity raise - Lots of work happening in this space. Gina is obvious. POSCO (South Korea) are building an ex china supply chain for its business. And ARU have been talking to them for a long time. And they have a history of investment in their suppliers.

I have a question for the Strawman team - Are there any ASX listing rules about setting the Capital Rasie Offer Price ABOVE the current or recent share price? This would be good because there is less dilution. Also for the quick....could snap up some shares below the Offer Price. My quick read on the ASIC website says that for retail Share Purchase Plan (SPP) the Offer Price must be at a discount to the current SP. BUT for Insitutional Placement.....I think it can be set at any price? Can anyone confirm?


  • ARU will def go ahead.
  • SP is being held down by people playing games
  • Any of the above news to come....will bounce it up.
  • Cost over run facilities de risk the construction, commisioning and ramping up
  • Always good to be invested in a Govt backed project.
  • Take overs unlikely due to many of the funding documents precluding it.
  • Tail winds keep improving for rare earths and ARU in particular
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#Gina H buying up all the Rare
Added 3 months ago

Gina has been on a Lynas (LYC) buying spree. She how has 5.85%.

She now has the following Rare Earth holdings:

 - 10% Arafura (ASX ARU)

 - 5.82% Lynas (ASX LYC)

 - 5.3% MP Material in USA (NYSE MP)

 - 5.85% Brazilian Rare Earths (ASX BRE)

It is clear Gina sees the potential in the rare earth sector. She also has the political influence in western parts of the world. 

I just wonder what her playbook/strategy is?

 - Leave them all separate

- Pros: Govt thinks there is lots of competition.

- Cons: Lots of management costs.

 - Merge them all

- Pros: Saving on management costs, can control pricing (almost a monopoly in western world extraction and processing)

- Cons: Lots of scrutiny from Governments if looks and operates like a monopoly. 

 - Merge some

- Pros: Could get monopoly type prices without the scrutiny from Govt. 

- Cons: Not as cost effective.

I’m just freestyling here…but I think a partial merger between them is good to extract monopoly pricing benefits, without pissing off Govt’s around the world. 

So which ones would merge? There has been lots of talk between MP and Lynas. That would probably make sense. Would be able to build monopoly on prices, but keep ARU seperate to give appearance of there being a ‘market’. And then she could build ARU through acquisitions. The CEO of ARU told me this is ARU’s longer term plan to grow ARU (and that their Nolans deposit is much bigger). 

Now the key question……how do we invest? I’m not sure how to do this type of analysis? How do people work out how to invest for potential mergers? 

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Added 3 months ago

A lot been going on with ARU:

1 - Two new non-exec directors appointed:

Both have lots of mining experience. As expected. I have not done the digging on them yet. But reading between the lines, these appointments are probably a CP to one of the soon to be announced equity participants.

2 - New exec appointments

Dr Stuart Macnaughton commenced as Chief Operating Officer, Shaan Beccarelli commenced as Head of Corporate Affairs and Investor Relations and Tanya Perry was promoted to Head of Sustainability and Environment.

From what I have been told, the COO Stuart is a great hire. He will be onsite with his family in Alice Springs. And he is very aligned with shareholders given his remuneration package. Apparently it is hard to attract talent and compete on salary, so ARU has offered lots of share options. This type of remuneration will be across alot of the staff. And options set up in a way so that the staff have to back themselves. This is great for us as shareholders. Dilution for these will not be massive.

The other takeaway from this annoucement, is that these hires would not be happening unless there is certainity they project is going ahead.

3 - Funding package

The previous annoucement of Aust Govt funding was amazing. And not well understood by the market and not refledted in the SP. I understand that the debt particpants are many. And this has added to the compeltity of getting all parties signed up. I have worked on these types of deals....and delays happen all the time. Sometimes because some spanish banker has gone on holidays...and they need his approval etc.

I have previously been advised that equity discussions have been underway for some time. But I understand that the equity side is getting 'close'. Usually equity would not be 'close' unless debt is locked away. Ie equity want to see the compete funding package before commiting. So this is great news and gives me great comfort that the project will proceed to construction. And having the Aust Govt cost over run facility de-risks the construction and commisioning of the project. Remember that Lynas had massive issues commisioning their project.

4 - NdPr pricing

This seems to be on the way up. But it is controlled by China. And as previously mentioned, the western world wants ex-china supply (for certainity and for better ESG outcomes). There is lots of talk about countiries banning cars/products that have china supplied raw materials with terrible social and environmental effects. This will just add to the tail winds for ARU.

5 - Gina and MP Materials

Gina owns 10% of ARU and now 5% of MP Materials (a USA rare earth company). She also reportably owns alot of shares of Lynas (but she must own less than 5% because it is not reported). Lots of talk about Lynas and MP doing a merger.

My takeaway point is that Gina is setting herself up to be a powerhouse in rare earths. And she knows that Govertnments around the world will provide backing/incentives to build ex-china supply. Again a massive tail wind for ARU.

6 - Summary

Nothing has changed for me in my assessment of ARU. It will go ahead. And I think once all the finance has been announced we will see the SP go up quite a bit.

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#Bear Case
Added 3 months ago

These Money of Mine guys have always hated ARU. I'd love to know why. They probably have mates who are short on ARU or have vested interests in other Rare Earth players?

To rebuff some of what they have said:

  • The constantly say ARU's Nolan's project is not in a good location. But i disagree. It is less than 1 hours drive from Alice Springs. This means they can attract good young families to live and work there (schools etc). Also I know, from talking to the CEO that all costs are based on Fly In Fly Out workforce. So even if we only get a small percentage of employees living in Alice will be a cost saving. Also there are already roads and rail all within 40km of the site. So transport really does not add that much to operational/transport costs. I mean Lynas moves it's product about three times across the world until it is ready to be sold. ARU will do it all onsite and then ship it. And ARU will be one of the lowest cost suppliers of Rare Earths in the world.
  • The talk about the price of NdPr being low. Well they don't talk about how the Chinese companies are selling it below cost to stop other producers from around the world getting their mines started. And there is a massive demand for ex-china supply. These are major points that they just fail to talk about.
  • The spoke about one of the Conditions Precedent being Due Dilligence. This is pretty standard for a Government commitment. So use that as a talking point? Having worked in Government and in finance...i know that if Govt makes a public announcement...they will do EVERYTHING to make it happen. Even if Government has to put in more money or improve the terms. The Money of Mine guys need to point out that with this level of Govt commitment....this project is going ahead. But they just try to cast doubt on it.
  • The speak about cost overruns....well we have a massive Cost Overrun Facility...and because of all the delays with finance...much of the design has been done...with some savings. Also the $1.68 billion was prepared at the height of construction inflation. Which has stabilised. So again just more doubt they are trying to cast onto ARU.

Anyway.....this is how to make money. You have to be contrarian....

And I hope to hold these Money of Mine guys to account in about 3-5 years when ARU is massive!

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#ASX Annoucement - Govt supplie
Added 4 months ago

Still digesting the details.

But great result.

The headline figure is a bit decieving. A large chunk of the money is for Cost Overrun Facility Gaurentees (ie if the bank has to increase it's cost overrun facility...then the Export Credit Agency (in this case the Export Finance Australia and Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility) with provide increased guarentees. But the other side of it, means that if there are cost over runs....we have money! So this has de-risked it somewhat. But the way it is presented is confusing. I think Govt wanted to make the largest number just threw all the numbers into the annoucement. But I still need to fully understand what it means.

This is a quick table i knocked up.


The key thing i'm trying to work out is the size of the major capital raise to happen in a few months time.

If my understanding of the Cost overrun facility is correct....then they need to raise about $640 million (aussie). Which is about what we were told a month ago.

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#Current Short Position for ARU
Added 4 months ago

Approx 110 million shares are short for ARU. Approx 5%.

With the Aust Govt funding news coming out, debt funding to be annouced shortly, off takes to be announced and equity.....there is alot of positive news coming. Will be interesting to see if the shorts decided to exit the ARU Rocket Ship in the next few days?

Fingers crossed.


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#Pre Annoucement AFR Article
Added 4 months ago

So this came out last night. We are still waiting for the ARU annoucement.

But in summary:

  • Govt commits to a total of $840 million.
  • "Arafura’s funding – which includes about $495 million in loans from the Critical Minerals Facility, $200 million from the revamped Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility, and up to $115 million in federal export financing"

We were not expecting the $495 million.....This is epic! I assume that debt will stay the same size..and equity required is reduced meaning less dilution.

Lets see what today brings. But with lots of govt backing....ARU seems to be 99.9% going ahead!!!

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#Trading Halt - "Debt Financing
Added 4 months ago

ARU are in a trading halt. With an annoucement regarding "Debt Financing Support" to be released before Friday.

This should be good news and is in line with what I have previous said...Debt, then off take then final equity cap raise.

Also this was announced recently...and I'm hoping this is part of the package.

"Posco International, the trading and energy arm of Korean steel giant Posco, announced Tuesday that it has recently secured a substantial order for rare earth permanent magnets, an essential part of an electric vehicle drive motor core, through its overseas subsidiaries."

"The permanent magnets secured by Posco International's overseas subsidiaries will not rely on rare earths from China, which accounts for over 90 percent of rare earths sourced globally, but will instead utilize raw materials obtained from the United States, Australia and Vietnam."

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#Met with new CEO
Added 5 months ago

OK I'm back and married.

So mid last week I got the opportunity to meet online with the new CEO of ARU with around 10-12 others. 

My notes are as follows:

  • Finance - Debt is likely to be locked in first. It is tracking well and likely to be secured by end of March. The banks and other debt providers have been working with ARU closely on the off-take agreements, and they see that there is an oversupply of companies seeking off take agreements. In fact, Darryl said ARU have taken the extra time to improve the off-take agreements to ARU's benefit. These Tier 1 off-take companies are in competition with each other. He also said that the current low NdPr spot prices do not reflect the ARU off-take prices. So with Debt comfortable with the off-take situation, ARU are likely to announce they have locked in Debt first. Then off-take announcements. And after debt and off-takes have been locked in, they will lock in the equity. They have been working with around 7 strategic equity investors using UBS to arrange.
  • No more small equity raises - Pulling back spend. Engineering, design etc. so that ARU have financial runway to get final equity raise locked in. We discussed at length how destructive the last cap raise was. It was very precautionary. I think with hindsight they may have used the previously cap raise to give themselves some more runway. 
  • They are focused on making some of the key hires soon. I had the feeling Darryl knows who he wants to fill these roles. 
  • We spoke a lot about the future demand. Darryl said that by 2030, the world will need x10 more Nolan/ARU projects. Which he said will put ARU in a great position. They will be in full production, with ability to expand the Nolans project (he said there is more NdPr in the Nolans deposit that the 4400t per year. And ARU can also process other NdPr. But he also spoke about potential for acquisitions etc. 
  • Change in CEO - Been in discussions for quite a while. Gavin was the explorer/sell the dream CEO. Darryl is the CEO that has proven experience delivering an operational mine. 

My takeaway….I’m quite sure that ARU will get all the debt, off-take and equity and begin construction second half of this year. I think the change in CEO was always going to happen and is a good thing. I still think that ARU SP will move up and down until steady state production. So I will likely sell some after financial close…and then buy more closer to production/operational date. I’m also still considering buying more at this low price of about $0.12. There is a chance it may drop a little more if no debt annoucement by end of March.

Any questions…type a reply below. 



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#Change of CEO
Added 5 months ago

I’m super busy this week. So this will be short.

but yesterday ARU announced the long term CEO…Gavin is leaving. After 18 years. And they have a new experienced guy who has been in the ARU board for a little while. so he knows exactly what he is getting into.

normally when there is a change in CEO I would sell straight away.

but I think this is actually a positive.

gavin was the guy who got it to where we are today. But I think the finance parties would have wanted a delivery/operations leader.

in his contract his performance is linked to construction milestones and operational targets. So he would not have set those if he didn’t think finance is locked in.

i need to do some more research on him, so I can’t comment on him directly

also there has been no change in SP since this news

I think this is a positive for ARU to move forward

I’ll do some more research after my wedding this weekend!

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Added 5 months ago

My notes:

So I listened and had some of my questions asked and some answered. My notes are as follows:

The Cap Raise and SPP

 - They did it to be very cautious in case things run longer. ie protection.

 - I don’t agree with this point, but they said no options for SPP because administratively it would have been difficult. 

 - My read of the faces on the call, body language and the comments made is that the Chair pull rank and made the executive team do it. 

Off takes:

 - All very advanced. 

 - The off takers don’t really care about spot price/current price. They want non-china certainty. All the off take prices will make ARU profitable. 

 - GE is a bit more complex due to:

    - GE is splitting into three parts with GE Vernova, the group's power division, being the entity that ARU would contract with. These guys generate revenue of about 30+ billion a year! So you can imagine that this is tiny agreement for GE Vernova. And management are probably busy with the demerger. 

   - Also ARU are buying some gas turbines from them

   - GE Vernov are linked to the Canadian Export Credit Agency (Called something else) (Also I thought this was the German CEA so I was wrong)

 - There was a comment that they have other off take groups ready to pounce too.


 - Peter Sherrington spoke very well (the CFO).

 - It is a massive exercise. With lots of moving parts. 

 - They have identified that the Korean CEA as the critical path due to them coming in so late. They are working closely with them fast track. They have helkped them get Australian legal and technical advisers. 

 - They said most of the legal and technical Due Diligence is almost complete (in my experience, this means they DD people are waiting to send the final letter when things are all about to be signed)

 - Peter thinks this is a better than expected funding structure. Not sure exactly what that means.

 - He kept saying the words ‘Final Funding Structure’ which bodes well

 - The NdPr prices used in all the funding was very conservative. So no issues at the moment. 

 - They have been having discussions with equity participants for the final Cap Raise. Gina and other large pockets. 

NdPr Pricing and market

 - They acknowledged the falling price but made the following comments

 - China still manipulating the prices

 - China Northern is selling at below production cost

 - Towards the end of 2023, China Northern had to up their quotas. Showing demand is still there. 

 - There are very few new NdPr extractors and even fewer extractor/processors coming online any time soon and not at ARU scale. 

 - They noted that the above point create a very different market dynamic compared to Lithium. 


 - I feel like the ARU team is working hard to close the off takes, debt and final cap raise. 

 - I believe Peter Sherrington is across it all and he looked like a guy who is towards the end of a deal. 

 - Current low NdPr pricing is not a short or medium concern.

 - I think given the market dynamics, the long term view is still that NdPr will go up. Making ARU quite valuable. 

 - I think they will achieve their off take and debt funding by the end of Q1 2024. WIth a final cap raise by June 2024…and construction can then begin!

PS I asked about the Aust Govt Critical Mineral Fund. They mentioned it. But then didn’t answer. Strange. 

PSS I will be a buyer if it continues to drop below 11 cents. approx.

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#ASX Announcements
Added 7 months ago

The announcment is that ARU has got another US$75 million from the Korean Credit Export Agency (KEXIM).


With GE stalling on their offtake (due to their turbine division internal issues), ARU will be going to the other major players. ARU will def find another teir 1 off take player. This could change the funding mix. Ie if the other off take player is not german, then they may have to use their Export Credit Agency etc. This has def slowed their Financial Close. But I feel like they should be able to get there by March/April 2024 and with little dilution (ie only a small capital raise). I just hope they don't screw retail investors if they do go down the cap raise.

I have done some modelling of their business with a range of variables. But through all of the scenarios, I had always put in a larger capex (around $1.3 billion when they had about $1 billion in their Definitive Feasability Study.). The additional time lag has meant that inflation has absorbed some of that 'fat' i had put in. But I had also kept constant the operating costs of about $30/kg as opposed to their figure of $25/kg. Again i would assume some of that 'fat' will have been absorbed. I also assumed that it would take three years to be at a decent production (as opposed to their low 2 year figure). The NdPr prices have been steadily increasing again. But China is 100% manipulating the market prices. From the research I have done (and it's hard to get a definitive picture of how the Chinese operate their mines), the Chinese are selling at cost or a bit below cost. And that is at the current NdPr price of around US$60/kg. ARU's break even (at my inflated costs and timelines) will about US$55/kg and will be one of the cheapest rare earth producers AND do it with the best ESG credentials. With lots of companies now keen to spruik their ESG, I think this will make ARU's product highly sought after. And then there are the geopolitcal considerations that can only help ARU.

In summary the fundamentals of the project have not changed. GE stalling on their offtake obviously threw ARU's Financial Close off the timeline. I think we will hear some new off take announcment ealry next year (around mid Feb). And then hoepfully they can close this beast and start building!

I have looked back at how I could have invested in this stock better. And I feel that I entered about the right time except for two things that happened. The first was the chinese selling their stake in ARU on market. I has assumed that Gina or a big Insistution would have bought off market. So that constant selling gave the shorters and manipulators an opportunity. The second part i got wrong was that GE would fall away as an off taker. This has added 6 months to the timeline.

Anyway, good learning.


PS it is a bit of a ramble....but if anyone is interested, i can present more detail on any of the above or other issues regarding ARU or Energy Transition etc.

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Added 8 months ago

The good news is that the early works have been completed (ie site set up with water, accom, roads etc). And the long lead time items have been ordered. So they are ready for construction of the treatment plant when financed is locked in.

And for the first time in the quarterly, they have given a contractual close date of March 2024.

There appears to have been some issues with GE agreeing their offtake agreement. GE seem to be having some issues with their wind turbine division. But this should be short lived. But it may affect how much the German Credit Export Agency is willing to loan to ARU.,costs%20and%20warranty%20call%2Douts.

But it appears that ARU have the Korean Export Credit Agency willing to provide a loan. Hyundai Motor Company and Kia Corporation have already signed binding off takes.

I think i have said this before, I have been involved with locking in many different types of finance on large infrastructure projects (equity, bank debt, bonds etc), and this takes time. And in the case of ARU, they have Credit Export Agencies from different countries, banks, EV makers, turbine makers, governments. Pulling this all together is massive.

Also there must have been lots of discussions recently between the Australian Govt and ARU. ARU's management were in Canberra a few weeks ago. And they were obviously looking for additional funding from the Government's Critical Mineral fund.

I beleive they would be looking to get whatever amount they can from this fund and will then likely do a capital raise for the rest. Which is frustrating, but in the longer term should not be a problem.

It is difficult to see the SP at these $0.20 levels. And the shorters accounting for approx 25% of daily trades. But once finance is locked in, that annoucement should see the SP move quite quickly up again.

China has legislation in place (since about 2020) where they can cut off export to the world of their crititcal minerals. And just recently they did this for graphite (starting 1 Dec 2023). China has already tried to prevent Rare Earth companies from starting by lowering the REE prices below their cost. They can only do that for so long....the next logical step is to introduce restrictions ot bans.

I still have a high conviction for ARU. They will get finance at some point, then the SP will jump. THen towards the end of construciton the SP might drop a bit, then into steady state production the SP should climb. Obviosuly the SP will also be affected by the REE prices and espeically if china does implement a ban.

As the owner of Red Bull used to say....No fun.

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#Bull Case
Added 11 months ago

This is my first post on Strawman. So please let me know if I have not followed the right process or proforma etc. And please let me know your thoughts on any of the points below. This is just a quick summary of a longer report I wrote for myself a couple of months ago with more graphics from different sources etc. 

Why invest in the rare earth mineral sector:

  • Governments globally committing to energy transition.
  • Hard to pick winners from the manufacture or operation of solar/wind/electric vehicles sectors. However, they all need minerals to be produced.
  • All the minerals (Copper, Cobalt, Lithium, Aluminium, Graphite and Rare Earths) will see a large upshift in volume. However, due to substitution effects, many of the minerals will only see modest price increases. 
  • However, it is hard to substitute Rare Earths because the magnets produced by rare earths are the highest performing, most efficient for motors. 
  • There is also scarcity of rare earths because there has not been any investment in rare earths for 15 years due to China cornering the rare earth market (85-90%). 
  • Also it takes significant time for rare earth mines to begin production – typically 16 years from discovery to production. 
  • Due to geopolitical reasons/reshoring issues, the western world wants rare earths from safe western alliance countries.

Why ARU?

  • ARU is the only major/material rare earth company about to begin production (3 years away).  
  • ARU will be mined and processed near Alice Springs.
  • Low geopolitical risk
  • Mined and processed with high ESG standards when compared to China. Many companies are looking for ethical mineral supply. This is likely to increase over time.
  • Location is near Alice Springs which makes it easier to:
  • Attract quality staff (ie close to town with schools etc.)
  • Road/Rail infrastructure is close by reducing capex/opex
  • Cornerstone investor – Gina Rinehart ($60m at a SP of $0.37 for 10% of ARU). 
  • Initial Offtakes almost complete:


  • Financial Investment Decision due soon.
  • Capital Raise completed with establishment works underway.
  • Not likely to be another Capital Raise unless there are cost overruns (this would be known around mid 2025).

Valuing ARU - #valuation

ARU’s Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) used the following assumptions:

  • Capex of $1b including contingency
  • Opex of US $25.94 /kg (this is considered very low for NdPr globally)
  • Mine life of 23 years
  • Discount rate of 10%
  • NdPr priced at US $ 67 -90 /kg over the life of the mine
  • Annual production of 4,357 tonnes

They get an NPV of A $729 million which would equate to a SP of about $0.30 - $0.40.  Current SP is about $0.25. Breakeven would mean the NdPr price is around US $55 /kg.

However, if you look at the following NdPr prices and corresponding NPV/SP you can see how sensitive it is (note all approx.).


So we need to look at the long term pricing of NdPr.

Some factors at play:

  • The geopolitical two-tier pricing of NdPr will likely mean ARU will get a premium for being ex China supply. Not in the short term because the companies signing up to the initial offtake agreements know they can source their NdPr from China. But in the long term ARU should be able to charge a premium. 
  • ARU will also get a premium for its strong ESG. Most of China’s supply are from African and Myanmar where health, safety and environmental concerns are largely ignored. 
  • Energy Transition rate of progress forecast means there is a massive supply gap of NdPr. Currently neodymium has global revenue of approx. $0.5 billion in 2022. And By 2030 this is expected to be $7 billion. This is a x15 increase in 7 years!!!
  • Due to the historic lack of investment in rare earths, it will take at least 10 years for the market to bring new mines online into production. 

So the current NdPr price of around US $80/kg could be considered low. 

Since Strawman asks for a valuation, I believe that in the near term (ie next six month or when Financial Investment Decision/Finance is achieved) ARU should be valued at about $0.70 – 0.90.  I think during construction the market will probably get bored…and then the SP could fade. Also there is the risk of cost overruns or delays. So that may also cause downward pressure on the SP.  But once production begins and ARU is ramped up….I believe that a SP of around $1.20 is realistic. This would be around 2027. 

Key risks

  • Key risks are that China will push down rare earth prices. This has happened to the NdPr prices over the last 6 months (US $145 /kg to around US $70 /kg) and is most likely to happen again to try to dissuade investment in new rare earth projects. But geopolitics should create a two tier rare earth market. China/Russia and Western Alliance countries. Western Alliance country rare earths prices should go very high in the next 10 years until other western sources can be brought online. 
  • Another key risk is if governments decide to slow down the energy transition. This is unlikely, but even if they slow it down, rare earths will be in high demand. 
  • Substitution is also a risk, but the magnets produced by rare earths are the highest performing, most efficient for motors. There is a cost/benefit calculation when substituting rare earths for less effective alloys (like Elon Musk’s recent comments about Ferrite in their motors). But that price point should be quite high unless they can find a larger/lighter form of battery. Which would be 10-15 years away from commercial viability…if they discovered now. 

Other considerations:

  • The initial offtake agreements appear to be linked to the China supply prices. So we need to think about what China is likely to do. China is going to need to re-start their economy. And they are likely to invest in projects that decarbonise their industries. Thus the internal NdPr demand is likely to be high. 
  • China has also previously restricted supply of NdPr to Japan over a dispute. If this were to happen again, then ex China NdPr prices will rise massively. 
  • Other sources of revenue could also increase revenue such as processing other rare earths for other businesses (lots of Australian mineral sand companies could use this processing plant). There have already been some ARU announcements regarding this. This has not been included in the valuation analysis above. 
  • Mines have typical investment patterns. I forget the term for it. But right now we are in the down turn waiting for the FID/Financing. There is likely to be a jump in SP when that happens. Management have previously said FID/Finance was to be done by end of June 2023. That came and went. And the SP is getting punished. They have now said second half of 2023. Having worked on large deals with many different sources of funding, I can understand why it is taking a long time. Also they are dealing with Credit Export Agencies from respective countries.  There is also another likely down turn before the plant is built and production begins. Especially if there are delays. 


  • I think ARU has great potential in the near and long term. 
  • I think it is currently undervalued.
  • I think in the next six months it will move up rapidly from the current $0.25 to around $0.70.
  • In the next three years could downward trend before it begins production.
  • Then once steady state production is achieved (about 4-5 years from now) it should start producing healthy dividends. 



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#Indicative financing support f
Added one year ago

Price sensitive:

ARAFURA RARE EARTHS LTD (ASX:ARU) - Ann: Indicative financing support from Export Development Canada, page-1 - HotCopper | ASX Share Prices, Stock Market & Share Trading Forum



The trend - should we invest?


A look at the resource:

Neodymium is the strongest permanent magnet material yet discovered. It is widely used in microphones, professional loudspeakers, headphones, computer hard disks, electric motors and generators. It is a rare-earth mineral mostly extracted in China, the United States, Brazil, India, Sri Lanka, and Australia.


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#Trading Halt
Added one year ago

Pending offtake agreement

So await an announcement. Could be after Easter next Tuesday


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#substantial holder
Added 2 years ago

Georgia H Rhinehart, Hancock Prospecting...scoops up 8.37% voting power

'Bang' closed 52.5cps up 18%


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#REE conference notes
Added 2 years ago

MINERAL SANDS AND RARE EARTHS CONFERENCE 22 November 2022 Arafura Rare Earths Limited | ABN: 22 080 933 455 Level 6, 432 Murray St, Perth WA 6000 PO Box 5773, St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6831 T: +61 8 6370 2800 | W: | E: Arafura Rare Earths Limited (ASX: ARU) (“Arafura” or the “Company”) is pleased to attach a copy of its presentation delivered by Managing Director, Gavin Lockyer, at the 23rd Annual Mineral Sands and Rare Earths Conference held in Perth on 22- 23 November 2022

Some slides below:




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#Annual Report
Added 2 years ago

ARU team advancing this agreement with Hyundai to achieve the jointly held goal of executing a definitive binding offtake agreement by September 2022.

2924-02569932-6A1110283 (


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Valuation of $0.265
Added 2 years ago

Placement at: 0.265cps

So could some price depreciation while the Placement proceeds.

trades today at 0.32cps

Could be an opportunity ..who knows..

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#Placement $41.5M, Nolans
Added 2 years ago

Issue: 0.265cps circa156.7 mill shares

A$41.5m Placement (


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