Forum Topics DRX DRX Approvals Progress

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Added 10 months ago

Diatreme advances NSP’s EIS, port planning

  • Draft EIS Terms of Reference for Diatreme’s Northern Silica Project progressing with Office of Coordinator General
  • All EIS specialist studies contractors engaged and studies progressing on schedule
  • Water sampling and background assessment programs continued uninterrupted throughout wet season
  • Cape Flattery Port export infrastructure studies noted within EIS process.

Added 10 months ago

Hard to value something this early in the process.

I note the amount of shareholder destruction wreaked by Strandline's (STA) management when they messed up the commissioning of their Coburn project in WA. Share price went from a peak of around 52c in mid 2022 to 9.5c around October 2023 when they went into a trading holt (with a new manager and a whole bunch of restructuring to do and a lot of subsequent debt and capital raising still in progress further diluting the share price when it final goes back to trading). IMHO, they were probably also over-extending themselves with their prospects in Africa as well. Things like Port infrastructure etc. were already in place. I guess the difference for Diatreme is that most penny stocks, there is the possibility for some quick money if it trades back towards its 3.3c 52 week high from today's 2c and none of that downstream stuff needs to be worried about.

Any idea how they make 10.36m of profit on 0.45m of revenue?
