Pinned straw:
I asked Oleg yesterday a question about the sales pipeline in the annual report, particularly about the 24 projects totalling $42M. (apparently PO processing is happening at customer end for this $42M.) The next line in the sales pipeline says there are 34 projects worth $86M, but this includes the 24 projects totalling $42M.
I asked Oleg how large a contract needs to be to make it worthy of an ASX announcement.
His answer: "ASX has specific legal definition on what’s announceble. Practically, this would be a few mill size sale, or a smaller sale but with a strategic element to it."
This quarter (Jan-Mar) the big question for me remains whether or not the pipeline is still being delivered on, albeit with smaller, sub $3M contracts that are not being announced. We haven't seen any large above $3M this quarter except the recent $4M order from a US Government department.
We will know what is happening in the April 4C document. Fingers crossed a bunch of smaller orders have still been coming through!