Forum Topics SKS SKS My First Look

Pinned straw:

Added 4 months ago

I’ve been trying to rack my brain as to where I heard about this company first… I’m 99% sure @Wini spoke about it on a podcast a while back (is this the case?), and that’s why I had it in my have a look list… I think.

Either way, I’ve been going over the company the last few days, and I’m impressed. This is a company that seems to have been chugging along nicely over the last few years.

What they do:

SKS Technologies Group is a company that delivers advanced technology solutions through digital transformation. They specialize in the creative design and installation of converged AV/IT, electrical, and communications networking solutions across Australia.

Their services include:

  1. Audiovisual: Display and projector systems, interactive whiteboards, specialist controlled lighting, public access systems, video and audio conferencing, touch panel control, and video walls.
  2. Communications: Voice and data structured cabling, optical fiber and copper, patch panel management, active equipment, cable networking auditing, and WAP installation.
  3. Electrical: General lighting and power, high voltage systems, earthing systems, uninterruptible power systems, and desktop power and data works.
  4. Maintenance/Essential Services: Light level audits, exit and emergency light tests, lamp replacements, test and tag electrical equipment, switchboard testing, and power analysis and data logging.
  5. Energy Management: Energy audits, energy savings timers and sensors, energy monitoring, power quality analysis, power factor correction, and lighting efficiency analysis.
  6. Smart Building Services: Converged networks and digital twins.

SKS Technologies Group serves a diverse range of sectors, including hospitals, aged care facilities, manufacturing, distribution, commercial buildings, correctional facilities, hotels, defence buildings, airports, data centres, retail centres, smart buildings, sporting complexes, universities, government, mining, resources, utilities, banks, and financial institution.


Impressive 1H 2024 Results: The following is derived from their 1H FY2024 Investor Presentation.

At first glance, the consistent growth the company has displayed over the last several years has been impressive.

SKS outline the following:

  • "Earnings results reflect the considered decision to invest heavily for rapid expansion", and
  • "Medium-term growth can now largely be achieved under the current cost base"


A relatively healthy balance sheet....


SKS outline the following:

  • Turnaround in cash flows from operations between FY22 and FY23 enabled full retirement of R&D liability and a net reduction in short-term borrowings, which sits at 0 as at 1H24;
  • The business now has no long term debt ;
  • Short-term debt fluctuates according to sales and working capital required to fund projects, and is further augmented by the CBA overdraft;
  • Increased CBA financing facilities from $8 million to $12 million in Nov 23:
  1. $3 million bank guarantee increased to $5 million
  2. An additional $2 million equipment financing facility
  3. Continuation of the $5 million overdraft


Over the last few years, SKS Technologies have begun to transition from their traditional market sectors as I outlined above, and into two (2) other sectors which can provide some impressive returns if they manage to get their piece of the pie, so to speak.

  • Australian Defence Force, and;
  • Data Centers.


The following slide outlines the change in work since August 2022.


And finally, a pipeline of work and tenders with a forecasted revenue target of $120+ million for FY2024.

IF this revenue target is achieved, it would be a 40% revenue increase from $83 million in FY2023.


What I'm liking:

Consistent revenue growth.

SKS Technologies have a CAGR of 27% over the last five (5) years, from $25,173,473 in 2019 to $83,268,128 in 2023.

Within the annual report for 2023, SKS outlined expected revenue for FY2024 as between $90 - $100 million, which would have been anywhere from 10% - 20% of growth (which for the record, I would have still been relatively happy with)

As outlined above, SKS have now provided a revenue target of $120+ million. They have also outlined that medium-term growth can largely be achieved with the current cost base.

For me, the comment relating to cost base is an important one to make. I commonly see small companies increase their revenues however their cost base goes through the roof (ie: horray we increased revenue 50% to 10 million... but we also spat out 15 million in R&D and marketing)

Getting rid of their debt.

No long term debt and a reduction in short term borrowings.

The work keeps coming in / Gaining market share.

SKS have managed to increase their total work on hand YoY for the last five years (5), essentially doubling work on hand YoY since 2020.

The defence sector is exciting for the company. As outlined, the budget for the northern bases is around $3.8 billion, with further upgrades expected around the country.

However, I am most excited about the possibilities related to data centers. The market for data centers / warehouses is growing rapidly, and if SKS are able to become known as one of the best in the business and capture the market share in this area, the growth prospects could be immense.



Free cash flow positive and operating cash flow positive.. tick and tick.

In my humble opinion, this is a big hurdle point as in my eyes, this turns an unproven company into a proven company. Herein lies our edge as the small, private investor who manages to find these types of companies before institutional investors start to sniff around.

Insider ownership / Management

Greg Jinks - 15.70%, Peter Jinks - 9.23% and Matthew Jinks - 0.99% (inclusive of their related entities). This represents a total of 25.92% of total outstanding shares.

Peter Jinks - "Peter is Executive Chairman of the Company and has specific responsibility for operations and administration. Peter co-founded the KLM Group with Greg Jinks in 1981 and has been involved in the management of the business from its inception. He has over thirty plus years’ experience in technical services, specifically in electrical, data and communication consultation and management. Peter was crucial to the positioning of the KLM Group as one of Australia’s major communications and data network infrastructure contractors".

Greg Jinks - "Greg is Executive Director of the Company and has specific responsibility for strategy and business development. Greg was a cofounder of the KLM Group with Peter Jinks and was a key driver of a business that became one of Australia’s major communications and data network infrastructure contractors. Greg has more than twenty-five plus years’ experience in the telecommunications sector particularly in the area of cabling and infrastructure, voice and laser and microwave wireless products".


Image derived from Market Index.

What I'm not liking

Capital Management.

This one is pretty minor. SKS have increased their shares from 29.15 million to where we are today at 109 million. Of note however, over the last three years, it has remained about level.


I don't mind seeing this increase, as long as they're using the money and getting return. Which, as of late, it looks like they are... so we can assume they've used the dilution smartly.


I'll compile a more detailed valuation within the companies valuation section in the coming days...

I begun by looking at the valuation from a really simplistic viewpoint. Let's assume that management are on the mark and they hit the $120 million... Let's also assume that management are accurate and they maintain a similar cost base for the revenues.

These numbers would equate to NPAT of around $3.6 million. At the current share price of .40c, this would imply a PE ratio of 11x. Please, speak up if you think I'm wrong, but I don't see this company trading on PE multiple of 11.

Based on this fact... .40c is undervalued... but by how far is the question.

Disc: I've taken a position both in RL and on Strawman.

4 months ago

@TomS and @Wini Thanks for sharing your insights.

Do either of you have comments on future, large project risk? I see that they want to embrace larger clients, including defence and government,. One of the risks that can emerge as that happens is mispricing large contracts especially as they are growing and management's time is less devoted to detail. Large government clients are different beasts because their goals aren't the same as a for-profit entity. They introduce delays for no good reason and changing or additional requirements because of some thought bubble from someone senior in the hierarchy of government or because they didn't specify an outcome that they need. This is different to doing work for commercial organisations that want the job done so they can get on with their objectives.

I know its a tough question. My only thoughts are "yes, its a risk" because I haven't seen any SKS management commentary on it.


4 months ago

Hi @Scott.

Management haven't made any direct comments recently relating to large project risk. However, I'd start by drawing your attention to their current open tenders and the overall growth in work relating to data centers and technology. Whilst maintaining their meat and potatoes or as SKS refer to it "traditional market sectors" of work, in the FY2023 annual report and within CEO Matthew JINKS's address at the 2023 AGM, management have a made it clear that they are shifting their focus.

From Matthew's 2023 AGM address:

  • "Our current pipeline of opportunities shows the work we are doing to secure contracts that further our strategic objectives, and continue to diversify our work on hand and revenue profiles. With $236.5 million of projects in our pipeline, there are no signs of reduced momentum in the opportunities to keep expanding our business. You'll note that a large portion of our tendering effort is directed at securing more work in the Defence, and Data Centre and Technology sectors.”
  • Just four (4) months later (on the 4th of March 2024) - the company released an update on their open tenders, which outlined a total value representing $335 million.
  • Of the $335 million, over half is taken up by work within the data center and technology space.

The data center market is dominated by private industry, with government managed data centers representing a very, very small share. The big players such as Amazon, Microsoft, Google (Alphabet), IBM and Oracle have established themselves as having a significant presence in the data center landscape of Australia. Some local telco's are also using data centers such as Telstra and Optus along with a few banks, insurance companies and retailers... but nowhere near to the scope at which the big players have.

I can't see many (if any) risks relating to SKS's management failing to devote the time required to oversight the contracts if they manage to snag a few contracts with the big players, or even the small players.

I understand and share your concerns around the risks of working in the government sector. Currently, SKS have $14 million worth of upcoming work in this area, which appears small in the grand scheme of things - although they don't necessarily outline what type of work is comprised within their section titled, "Government". I'm provided some confidence in SKS's ability to plan and execute the unique requirements from their prior successful completion of projects for government entities such as the AFP (Australian Federal Police) and Federal Department of Home Affairs and Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

So I guess to answer your question... Yes, It's a risk... and it's important to acknowledge the inherent uncertainties that come with securing and executing contracts in their target sectors. However, SKS's historical performance and managements track record have proven year on year of their ability to execute their strategies and mitigate the associated risks. In turn, this has built their reputation in their target sectors, and with this reputation, I believe it will allow them to secure more work and strengthen their market share over the coming years.

4 months ago

@TomS That is a brilliant introduction to SKS. You are correct this is one I really like and have written about it in other places outside of our beloved Strawman. I think Matthew is an extremely impressive CEO and where this shines through is in his CEO addresses at the AGM's. He has now given three since being appointed, and I think they make for great reading to get a feel for where the business was, what he and the exec team have done to get them to where they are today, and where he sees the business going in the future. Most importantly, he doesn't just give wishy washy goals or objectives, they clearly know what geographies and sectors they want to target and invest pragmatically to get there. It is probably not a coincidence the other CEO who comes to mind for having such a clear strategic outlook for his business is James Clement at Vysarn (VYS) which has also performed very well over the last few years.

I've compiled the AGM address below, which I now consider the standard for other micro cap CEO's I deal with. Shareholders are dealt with respect and get a great insight into not only the business today but how they are building the business for the future.





4 months ago

@Wini I hadn't had a look at Matthew's addresses at the AGM's, thank you for bringing these to my attention! You're right, he is extremely impressive, clear and concise with his outlook for the company moving forward. This provides me with even more confidence that the FY2024 revenue target isn't just a number pulled out of a hat to attract investors. Also provides me with some greater confidence of where the company could be in the not too distant future.

Ditto the fact that other micro / small cap CEO's should be providing AGM addresses to the standard set out by Matthew... I'll be honest, I can't think of too many (if any) that spring to mind of matching this standard. I'll have to have a look at James Clement.


3 months ago

Nice little jump in the SP with an increase in volume since we last spoke @Wini
