Forum Topics IIQ IIQ Strawman interview with Chairm

Pinned straw:

Last edited 9 months ago

I took some notes from the interview as follows:

  •  IIQ's tests could become a platform for cancer detection. And this would be "disruptive".
  •  The way to market and reach researchers/interested institutions is changing. Now can use AI that searches every journal/phds for exosomes/markers etc. And send direct emails. Old way was to go to conferences.
  •  Some sort of merger seems likely. But didn't go into detail
  •  Stated there should be 'an uptick in sales from Jun - Dec 2024 for Exosome research isolation tool (Exo-Net). 

I spoke with Strawman after via emails. And we both think David got a bit sidetracked in the IIQ part of the chat.

I think if you are new to IIQ, I don't think David sold it particularly well. Also if you are doing research on IIQ, their website is terrible and does not explain their technology, apporach to market or the scale of the opportunity.

I would suggest it is best to look at some of their recent presentations like:


Also the interview with Alan Kohler is a little old now, but gives some good background (note they were called BARD1 previously BD1):


Things to look out for in the near future with IIQ:

  • SubB2M - Overian Cancer results. Preliminary results were amazing. These results will be from bigger sample size. The same SubB2M technology for Breast Cancer had a small decline in its effectiveness when it went from the preliminary results to the larger sample size. But still much better than anything currently on the market. So I am expecting these results to be similar to the results before. There are a bunch of other companies all striving for the same thing...but IIQ seems to be ahead or equal in terms of effectiveness and also more progressed in terms of hitting the market. Also works in an commercial lab...which makes it easier, cheaper and quicker to scale.
  • Exosome cancer tests - Not sure when these are coming. But exosomes are the future of medical detection of conditions. And potentially theraputics. So any great results in this area will be massive.
  • Exo-Net Revenue Sales - Today there was an annoucement INOVIQ and Promega sign Global EXO-NET Agreement . This is for the sale of the Exo-Net product. This is the best product on the market to isolate exosomes from blood samples. It is also the most scaleable product on the market. I don't expect big sales numbers. But should produce a fairly consistent revenue stream (thinking $200-500k a year). BUT - if one of these researchers, using Exo-Net, develops an exosome test, then IIQ gets a percntage share of that test.
  • Capital Raise/Acquisition - Based on the Strawman interview and the 2023 AGM discussion with David Williams, there will be a capital raise soon, and I think it may involve an aquisition and money to commercialise some of the IIQ SubB2M products.
  • Change in Management Team - I think there will be a change in the executive management. As IIQ moves into commercialisation, they will bring in a team to lead that type of work.

I'm hoping that 2024 is the year that IIQ can start to get some sales and build market share. I think of IIQ today, like PNV was about 6-8 years ago (not sure of the exact time frame). But it is early days....with a lot of promise. There are a lot of potential competitors....but when i cut through all their marketing BS....IIQ is def in a better position with better technology and more advanced.


John (aka Parko)

Added 9 months ago

Thanks John @Parko5 Do you happen to have an idea how these raises go - are they all a bit different or do they usually offer something to holders at a small discount to recent SP, like for example Ava did?


Added 9 months ago

Hi @lastever I assume it will be the normal route:

  • Institutional/large shareholders will get advanced info and be locked in before retail get a crack at a Share Purchase Plan.
  • In past raises with David Williams (like PNV) both groups will usually get the same terms (ie a discount to the last few months average SP and maybe some options).
  • David has also previously ensured that retail investors will get a Pro-Rata of their holding and have not sold shares to do the short term arbitrage game. He has also tried to exclude parties in the institutional part that have shorted.
  • The SPPs usually only allow retail to get $30k. Not sure why?

If you are after a large slice of IIQ in the them at [email protected] and you might be able to get into the Institutional/large shareholder group.

