Forum Topics IIQ IIQ Slides for Investor Presentati

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Added 3 months ago

IIQ released their slides for tomorrow's presentation (18 April 2024 at 11am).

I don't see much new news. BUT

Reading between the lines/slides.....i def think they have been using this slide pack to present to institutions for the impending capital raise.

The following slides are new:

Slide 3 - This is their "Snap shot" slide up front. For the boss to look at in a fund before signing off.


Slide 5 - This explains the IIQ journey....very typical when explaining to and institution that has no background knowledge.


Slide 26 & 27 - Shows to the institution how similar deals have played out (Therapeutic and diagnostic).20accdf50ea383e9815a307b932956e05bbfec.png


So things are def happening in the background.

I have also sent an email to David Williams with some questions I was hoping he could answer during the webinar (note the numbering I sent him was correct...the copy and paste below has lost the number order):

  1. How did you come across IIQ (Sienna/Bard1)?
  2. What is your vision for IIQ?
  3. Why are the IIQ products better than the current products in the market and its competitors? 
  • SubB2M
  • Exo-Net
  • Exosome tests
  • Exosome therapeutics
  1. Why can’t SubB2M be used for both screening and monitoring? The screening market for asymptomatic people is the bigger market?
  2. The names for IIQs products are quite technical and confusing. Has any thought been given to a marketing strategy?
  3. When will the IIQ website be updated? It seems to have not been updated in a while. And it is confusing for new potential investors.
  4. Have you got the right commercial strategy for the Exo-Net product? I believe that when a researcher uses the product, they agree to IIQ having a percentage share of any exosome technology that is developed. Is this preventing its adoption in the research community?
  5. What is the ‘approach to market/sales strategy’ in the diagnostic market? Do you employ sales people to visit doctors? Or is the key to get the pathology labs signed up?
  6. You spoke at the Nov 2023 AGM where you were voted in as Chairman of IIQ, about the likelihood of a “large” capital raise to accelerate commercialisation. You did a similar capital raise for PNV. What learnings can you apply to IIQ?
  • Focus on the USA first?
  • Build sales teams or use distributors?
  • Acquisitions?
  1. Dr Leearne has done a great job with the scientific development of the IIQ products. But with Commercialisation being a large focus, will there be any changes in the leadership structure?

3 months ago

David Williams ran a webinar on IIQ. 

Here are my notes:

  • Craig Rice from IIQ gave a really good way to explain exosomes. Think of exosomes like a letter that has been put in the post. And has a delivery address and sender address and a message inside the letter. The exosome is the letter moving to/from the organ/body part to another organ/body part. We can stop the exosome ‘mid post’ and see what the message is and even change the message or turn it into a letter bomb to kill the cancer. David basically acknowledged that it is difficult to understand how it all works…but they are obviously trying to change the way they explain the tech. 
  • Craig Rice also said their Exo-Net product is able to isolate the right exosome from a body part (ie brain or overy). So if someone is looking for an ovarian exosome, the Exo-Net product can find those particular exosomes. Other isolation products have lots of other non related exosomes in the sample, which makes it hard to perform a diagnostic test. 
  • Alan Trouson from Catherics (former head of Monash IVF and a friend of David Williams), started his own cancer killing therapeutic company in Melb. He said the issue with exosomes being used to kill cancer is the longevity of the exosomes to stay and keep killing. Hence why the current IIQ results only kill 75%. He also said anything therapeutic has a very long development and approval process. 
  • Sarah from Promega also said they are excited to be able to sell the Exo-Net product to researchers, labs etc. because it complements their MRNA isolation products. 

Overall it was an OK start for IIQ in trying to better engage with the market. And David said he will improve the communication going forward. They are obviously progressing the SubB2M diagnotic tests (ovarian results out later today), but you can tell by the enthusiasm of Craig and others that exosomes is the technology with the greatest potential. 

I just hope we get some good sales of the SubB2M products and Exo-Net that supports the exosome platform they are developing. 

PS David Williams said SubB2M Overian Cancer results out later today.