Forum Topics CU6 CU6 Complete response in first pat

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Added 3 months ago

A result so good it is difficult to believe. Great news for prostrate cancer sufferers and investors.

pdf (

3 months ago

Good reaction considering the raise was under subscribed

Did take only part of my allocation which was more a token gesture. Still a long road ahead


2 months ago

Want to point out that in econometrics/statistics we are told that sample size of one is Not Significant.

And here we have a market ignoring this theory.

Tempting to take profit but not the end of FY yet.


2 months ago

you’re right @edgescape. I don’t know this area well (novel treatments for prostate ca) but as patients go this one was pretty heavily pre treated. I guess the market is extrapolating on the basis that this could be an effective treatment for a very common condition. If it really were an effective cure for refractory prostate cancer it would be worth a lot more than (oh god) 1.2 billion current market cap… geez I didn’t quite realise how far the market cap had run but still you find a cure for prostate cancer it’s worth a lot more than that


2 months ago

@GazD When you know someone that has gone through radiotherapy definitely you will learn lots in this space that the ordinary person or investor doesn't know.

Regarding the market cap. if you compare the recent acquisitions for RayzeBio, Point and Fusion that were bought out then Clarity is still cheap. However Clarity is still in Phase IIa which is not a full Phase II while the others I believe had completed Phase II or higher.

And when you are betting on CU6 you are also betting against the larger brother Telix (which I no longer hold). They took a veiled swipe at Clarity a few years back:


Furthermore, Clarity's move to shore up supply....


We can either think this is pigheaded thinking, or a fairly bold move by Taylor. that they really believe in what they are doing, while clearly showing his talent of Finance at the same time (Taylor has qualifications and experience in Finance as well as University Medal in Applied Science on top of his Doctorate).

Finally there is this little nugget in the CR presentation The so called "killer slide" that forced my hand and made me tip some money into the placement.


So instead of "multiple shots at goal" that is used by other specs, Clarity is instead focusing on the prize while keeping conservative at the same time and knowing the limits.

Don't know about anyone else but I can't fault management here.


2 months ago

I’m sorry to hear you’ve a loved one/friend with prostate ca requiring radiotherapy. On a personal note I do know a surgeon whose practise is largely based on prostate cancer… I’ll run the whole thing by him too out of interest


2 months ago

By the way your post is great and warrants me reading it on my laptop when I can so I can see it properly! @edgescape


2 months ago

They are recovering from stage one lung cancer but I also did have a family friend pass away from PSA.

Anyway, there are so many patients that appointments are being double booked.