Forum Topics Ethereum ETF
2 months ago

So it appears there is momentum for Ethereum to have ETFs like bitcoin.

I know @Strawman had some strong 'Highlander' views that 'there can be only one' - Bitcoin (been waiting to use a Highlander joke for ages).


What do people think? ETH has gone up $1000 in two days. Up to AUS $5,800.



2 months ago

I'm contemplating selling ETH and buying BTC.

Concentrate my small amount of capital in the one Ponzi scheme rather than participating in multiple. BTW, I've got SOL as well ... purchased somewhere near that last peak but pleased to report that I am recently back above water.



2 months ago


I have 50% of my crypto in STX. I’ll write a post tmrw with my thinking. It’s a super long term shot. But it’s steadily building.


2 months ago

Ha, love a good highlander reference @Parko5

Each to their own, but I'd be very wary of ETH, even if the SEC grants them an ETF.

Consider this:

Massive pre-mine (ie free allocation to insiders)

Regular change of protocol.

Clearly passes the Howie test (it's a security, not a commodity)

Only real world use case has been a platform to launch scam tokens.

Proof of stake grants added power and I fluence to large holders. Ie, it's centralizing.

A good chance they face legal issues at some stage (maybe even soon) for running an unlicensed security.

I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.


2 months ago

Ha ha. I have watched that movie so many times. It was a cult classic back in the day (along with Withnail and I).

BTC. Maxis have a great thesis.

ETH believers have a great thesis.

what either will look like in 10-20 years time, who knows. I am happy to hold a bit of each so I don’t have crippling regrets of having missed out.

I also hold GLP a basket of blue chip tokens (yeah, I get it) that earns some reasonable yield.

For me the potential of RWA (real world assets) being traded on tokenised blockchain exchanges has immense potential. I don’t rate the probability that highly, but ETH would be the clear winner under those circumstances.

I spent hours and hours trying to stay on top of things a year or so ago but am largely out of the loop these days.


2 months ago

Here is a link to my Stacks (STX) post.


2 months ago

So it says there is one more step to go and then ETH will be able to be traded as ETFs in the US.

Will be interesting to see how this plays out.

I won't be investing in @Strawman says....too much 'going on' in it....

But will will hold my Bitcoin and Stacks. Maybe even top it up on the next crash.