Forum Topics RFG RFG Update Presentation

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Added 10 months ago

Always enjoy reading an RFG presentation update. They set the standard for the retail industry.

I always come away thinking these guys really have this industry totally figured out; to the point where their presentations should be studied by marketing courses for its comprehensive depth of detail.

.From customer research they seem to know what the customer wants, and they lay out a plausible plan/strategy to achieve same. So, what goes wrong, because the depth of 'knowledge' just doesn't seem to hit the RFG cash register?

My general answer (without research proof) is as follows:

(1) The franchisor/franchisee model itself. No matter what the expertise of the franchisor & its systems, the attitude and approach of the franchisee will determine success or otherwise. It always comes back to people. Customers are people, franchisees are people, staff are people. Franchising is about systems, and it's a critical error to think that the people operate the systems (perfectly) to allow the systems to drive the business.

(2) Site selection and franchisee selection are critical to success + constant monitoring that the existing systems are followed to the letter of the law. It's why I favour a strong company store bias PROVIDED it has a very strong staff incentive plan in place. They need to be heavily incentivised to chase the extra dollars of sales every day. 

(3) RFG cannot escape it - its nationally known past shame and failure. Whilst they appear to want to refresh everything else, it beggars belief they don't refresh the brand name. RFG of today is totally different to yesterday, so why do they continue to carry that past cross of failure? 

Overall, they appear to be headed in the right direction and I am pleased that Beefy's (their latest acquisition) is doing well with an introduction of the pies into Gloria Jeans (SEQ).

It's still a watch & observe situation for me, but there are a few green shoots emerging & RFG believe FY25 will see an improved retail outlook for the coffee, cafe & bakery (CCB) portfolio, but continued pain in the Quick Serve Restaurant portfolio (QSR). They cite higher wages with government efforts to 'soften costs of living' as purse additives, but I wonder how much of the 'extra' will go down the interest gurglar.

Added 10 months ago

As a previous owner of RFG long ago I always like to drop by and see if they are still breathing.

Although, I am attracted by the potential for a possible double in a relative short-medium period, when I look at the list of the companies they hold…

Gloria Jeans, Donut King, Brumby's Bakery, Michel's Patisserie, Esquires Coffee Houses (Australia and New Zealand), Pizza Capers Gourmet Kitchen, Crust Gourmet Pizza Bar, Rack 'em Bones BBQ Ribs, The Coffee G and Beefys.

I ask myself why anyone with a sense of taste and value would buy food from any of these of outlets when one can buy much higher quality food at the same price?

I am simply amazed that these places still operate in a time when we are spoilt for quality food choice. It’s like these franchises belong back in the pre 2000s.

However, apparently they still attract a loyal clientele so all the power to them if they can resurrect this accumulation of dinosaur brands and return some money to long suffering shareholders and franchise owners.

Added 10 months ago

@PortfolioPlus Bringing up RFG takes me to a sad place...

My shoulders tense up, I become irritable. A dark cloud descends

Certainly in percentage terms up there with my biggest losses......

However, There is much water under the bridge since that then.

If as you say its not what it was, then perhaps I need to shake it off and revisit RFG.

I'll take a look. Let the healing begin!


Added 10 months ago

I hear/feel your pain Arizona...much the same as I felt when flying over your memorial in Pearl Harbour!

But here's the interesting thing. the Japs were our enemy, now they are our allies. Same with the Germans.

RFG of old was a disgrace and thousands of people suffered.

But the new RFG has a number of substantial contrarian backers who play the long game.

RFG are not out of the woods yet, but the tree line is thinning with glimpses of open terrain.

That said, this certainly isn't a hock the wife's engagement ring to get into the RFG action, so take your time on the healing process.


Added 10 months ago

Wise words @PortfolioPlus

I am now further intrigued by these "substantial contrarian backers" and their long game.

I'll be keeping an eye out for them.

I will take it slow. No rings will be hocked.

I will take a closer look.

Sincere thanks for your post