Forum Topics AD8 AD8 ASX Announcements

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Added 2 months ago

Rob Goss has resigned as CFO, having been with the company for 7 years. The market didn't take this news too well with shares off 4.5% on a day when you might have expected them to be up 1 or 2 percent with the market. But $AD8 is highly valued, so any news likely generates an outsized reaction.

ASX Announcement

However, I dont read this as an area of concern given that he is staying through the next reporting season and will prepare the Annual Report. That's not the kind of departure to get the jitters over. (You do, when they leave the building with a cardboard box)

I've recently re-initiated a position in $AD8 in RL and SM and, when I get around to it, I must write a straw about "Audinate - why I changed my mind". But that's for another day.

Mulling over whether to top up a little more, as I am only at 3.8% in RL, and starting to like the value from here.

Disc: Held in RL and SM

2 months ago

@mikebrisy , ha love the simplistic thought here, summarises it nice a quick unlike my rambling below.

"I dont read this as an area of concern given that he is staying through the next reporting season and will prepare the Annual Report. That's not the kind of departure to get the jitters over. (You do, when they leave the building with a cardboard box)".

I will also say this is also to be expected from the Technicals side of things. As I mentioned on my wirl wind zoom meeting recently here with @Strawman, its quiet common to see a retrace of that last huge wave 1 to come back to the 50 - 61.8% fib. This may not be the case for a bullish company like AD8 however, so we will just have to wait and see. News like today just helps it on its way to those statistically defined zones.

The bars have definitely formed the 3 wave A/B I look for and now has begun heading down for the 5 wave C wave (today being w1 down). Until I see how far wave 2 retraces back up (probably back to the 200 on the 1 day chart), I can only put in 2 likely zones it could drop too ($15 or $14 ish). Note the $15 zone for my first stop down is also at a past support level & the 38.2% retrace of the last W1 (thats good support). If it blasts through this level then "look out", as the 50% retrace level at $12.45 ish is on the cards over the long term. As it plays out more over coming week/weeks, I'll update you all on my thoughts again. I have no position yet on this stock.


Actually just had a quick look at the P/E on Commsec. Its at 134 today. Mmmm I think it has some more to take back yet. Thats a big number