Forum Topics 3DP 3DP CapRaise

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Added a month ago

The expected cap raise has arrived. I hope they have lined up an investor as current shareholders are unlikely to cough up much if anything given the last dismal capital raise. So which type of new bike will Ian purchase. Colour me cynical. Not one word on new contract not a peep.

a month ago

Looks, smells and sounds like a lifestyle business.


a month ago

I finally had enough and jumped out last month. Glad I did. I just can't see how this won't end up with the receivers. The promised projects just keep being over the horizon.

As my wife likes to say when she's slowly grinding me down in a round of Age of Empires: "Now you're just circling the drain."



a month ago

Probably a wise move @AbelianGrape. At this point I am so in the red that holding to zero or walking away with $1-2K is really neither here nor there. I am here for the rocket ships to da moon or the delisting whichever happens first. I wish I owned the stock where the shares dipped because the CEO wanted to buy a mega yacht because he could not the share where the CEO would sell all his shares to afford a bike!