Pinned straw:
@Arizona I've watched HSN for more than a year. It was even in my comp portfolio for about a few weeks before I sold it.
Definitely looks like good value. My issue is that simply they paid too much for Powercloud and there are now issues starting to creep in as it gets integrated.
I guess all of the above has put some downgrades on HSN. Just goes to show integrating software and tech businesses can be very complicated. My gut feel is to wait and see what happens after 6 months.
Another minor concern is the CEO has been running the show for like more than two decades and I'm not sure how much longer he can stay. So there is a question on leadership too.
I have a few broker reports on both. Will post in another straw.
BTW: I haven't topped up yet on GTK. Still waiting patiently but I think this might be a good replacement for my ALU.