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Pinned straw:

Added a month ago

Relevant for GTK too.

Looks like another competitor and to win over AGL they must do something different - not sure who has lost the contract.

  • AGL: Australia’s second-biggest power supplier has signed a long-term deal to transfer all of its customers onto a new software platform called Kaluza, from the UK. It is so enamoured with Kaluza that it will also invest $150 million in the company for a 20 per cent stake. While it’s far from AGL’s biggest deal – the group has a $7.1 billion market capitalisation – it is a significant cheque given competing demands for capital and investment inside AGL’s business in the middle of the energy transition.

Announcement - ASX Release - Retail Transformation Program

a month ago

AGL has been partners with Kaluza since 2021


a month ago

@Mujo Should have posted the news on AGL under GTK to scare the bulls away :)

FOMO is still happening with GTK having another green day and my order is less likely to fill (I lifted it a bit :()

Clearly there are bigger fish who are more bullish than us on GTK.