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Added a month ago

Botanix have posted an update on their progress in regard to FDA approval for Sofdra:

  • Botanix has submitted the last label materials to FDA for Sofdra, a treatment for excessive underarm sweating
  • Labeling discussions are the final step for Botanix before anticipated FDA approval of Sofdra and have involved discussions with the FDA on product carton design and wording of information that is provided to patients and physicians about the product
  • The materials submitted today included the Prescribing Information and Patient Information
  • Approval of Sofdra remains on target for 21 June 2024

I was surprised that material is still being submitted this close to approval. I'm not familiar enough with the process to know if this is typical, or suggests more revisions were requested. My understanding is that FDA approval doesn't involve a lot of two way communication so it may well be part of the scheduled process.

A previous announcement mentioned June 20 as the target for approval, but today's announcement refers to June 21. Not sure if this is a change, a typo, or just referring to different timezones (June 20 in US, June 21 here).


a month ago

@Ipsum FDA process doesn't involve much too-ing and fro-ing on safety, efficacy, stability, manufacturing elements of the submission. However, small adjustments on labelling and patient information - which are easily addressed - are commonly discussed immedaitely ahead of the final decision.

The last rejection was more fundamental, because the decision related to instructions for patient use. These needed to be corrected and validated in a human factors study. It was impossible to address them purely via dialogue. However, fine details of labelling and patient information can easily be addressed, and this is not uncommon.

What IS uncommon (or less common) - in my experience, is for the company to make a price sensitive announcement about these discussions, so close to the approval.

To me, that might indicate that management are nervous about approval, and want to be able to demonstrate that they kept shareholders fully informed. There is certainly no other benefit (from my perspective) in today's announcement.

So, I am on the edge of my seat with this one. I have it 90% CoS,.... but there is the 10%.

BTW, I haven't read the full release, just your headlines, as I am doing other things today. I certainly hope a further delay (or rejection) isn't on the cards. However, the point of my post is to reassure that final dialogue on labelling/PIL is not unusual.


a month ago

Thanks, @mikebrisy, that additional context is very helpful.

I also thought it odd to mark the announcement (here) as price sensitive when it doesn't provide any new information I can see. Maybe it does to more experienced eyes.

I guess we will know either way in 10 days!


a month ago

Thanks @mikebrisy and @Ipsum. I read it as a way of keeping share holders informed after last times failure due to the labelling. They might want to assure holders that everything remains on track.

There was also clarification that the FDA date would be June 21 Australian eastern time (20th US time). This was probably to alleviate nervous Nellie’s who might have been waiting for news to drop during reading on Friday June 20th Australian time.

So first trading date post FDA announcement should/will now be Monday June 24. This should allow for significant build up in buyers leading into Monday with the news having already been released.

It’s like waiting for the 6th number to drop in a lotto draw.