Forum Topics CAT CAT Will Lopes Meeting

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Added 9 months ago

I'll upload the recording shortly, but just wanted to get some key thoughts down while they are still fresh.

  • I very much got the sense that Will is playing the long game, and is (rightly) not afraid to make investments where needed -- even at the cost of near term profitability.
  • The SBG acquisition and re-tooling of the full product set to use that as the underlying platform is a great case in point. As discussed, that couldn't have been an easy sell given the financial profligacy of the former management and the demands of the market at the time, but it has established a firm technological foundation for the business that will enable more efficient product management and enhancement
  • To be clear, that investment is largely done now.
  • There remains a lot of opportunity in other adjacencies, but Will said that for the next 2-3 years the focus is on prosecuting the existing opportunity which is showing strong traction.
  • fwiw, he reckons Catapult could be a billion dollar revenue company in time (a 10x from here) -- although wise to take that with a grain of salt. It has the potential, but there's a lot of work ahead to get there.
  • He's not competing on price, and that seems to be how StatSports tries to differentiate itself (according to WIll). He mentioned some teams that had left Catapult for the cheaper solution, but had since returned to Catapult.
  • Since he started he's been very consistent in his vision and strategy -- shifting to subscription, building a firmer base and a more holistic offering and (importantly) ensuring some operating leverage is realised. The company now retains a 46% of every incremental dollar of sales. So, in theory, we should see profit growth exceed revenue growth. The medium term target is a 30% profit margin.
  • In wearables, he thinks the company can, in the medium term, win 5,000 teams (out of an estimated 20k globally) and that each team pays US$20k per year just for wearables. So that's a US$100m revenue opportunity in wearables alone. They've said elsewhere that 50% of these should also adopt the video solution.

All told, a great product in a fast growing and under-penetrated market where they remain the dominant player, with lots of future optionality and (finally, hopefully) a robust and scalable business model. Importantly, the company looks to be sustainably past the breakeven inflection point

Shares are on ~3x revenue, but on a 15% net margin (they are targeting 30% operati8ng margin in the medium term) you'd be looking at a PE of ~20.


Added 9 months ago

Great interview @Strawman

This has been a wild ride. CAT first came to my attention on YMYC back in 2015 or 2016 (h/t @Strawman ). I sold when they started going down that weird pro-sumer route and then got back in last year when the SP was below a dollar.

CAT has always had so much potential and it does seem as though Lopes has the skills to execute on that potential.

I think the All Blacks taking the freebie option is in instructive in demonstrating how the market will delineate from this point. Globally, rugby union is probably best described as second or third tier sport from a revenue perspective. I think the current broadcast deal RA has is $30m/year (that includes Wallabies + Super Rugby) and for NZ the same deal but with the AB's is worth a touch under $100m/year. When I hear Will talking about 5,000 teams and $1b in revenue, it's hard to see how these small professional leagues will fit into that picture. This is the product that you buy for three reasons (a) your player rooster costs you tens of millions of dollars a year so you are essentially buying the best in market asset maintenance program (b) everyone else in your league uses it, because it's the best, which puts you at a data disadvantage (c) broadcasters are paying big bucks and want a richer viewing experience. Are NFL/EPL clubs going to care about spending even $500k/year? My guess is they wouldn't even blink. And the adjacencies will just keep growing out (I promised myself I'd never say flywheels)

The NCAA is such a big opportunity. Massive revenue, essentially not-for-profit, and cheap player rosters (now it looks like they will actually have to start paying the players). Also, because it is collegiate, there are rules around revenue sharing among an athletic departments various male and female sports even though the only two big revenue drivers are mens basketball and football. So it is possible to think about a large number of players in the collegiate system using a premium product even for less elite $$$ sports.

And finally, speaking of the SEC, here's a picture I took at a game between LSU (Louisiana State University) v University of Georgia back in 2018. For Australians it can be hard to comprehend just how huge college sports are in America. This stadium (Death Valley) is in Baton Rouge – population 850k – and seats 102k people. I wasn't paying for tickets, but our (admittedly very good) seats cost US$2500/person.

Long CAT, irl.



Added 9 months ago

@UlladullaDave great points. I totally agree with you about the immateriality of Rugby Union as a code, compared with US college football and other top tier leagues.


However, I wondered whether STATSports have been doing the same in English Football, with Man City, Arsenal and Liverpool - the top 3 position in the EPL last season - all STATSports customers. I've also been watching "Welcome to Wrexham" on Disney+, and there's lots of great product placement of STATSports there too, although in one episode I saw one of the players with a Catapult vest as well, so I am wondering if they are trialling both solutions to see which is best?

So I did some more digging.

STATSports list their clients on their website, and the curernt count is 527. The All Blacks are not listed - but as they are not paying anything, then arguably it is right not to include them. The three EPL clubs I listed above are all shown, and I note that the English FA appear to have made a large commitment to using STATSports at all levels in men's and women's codes, including starting at the Boys Under-15 development squad. From what I can tell, STATSports appears to have started in UKI, and so perhaps just got their hooks into English Football and Rugy early in the game.

So at 527 teams versus 3317 at $CAT, then $CAT is the clear market leader, and appears to have a much stronger footprint in North America.

Follow the Money

You are absolutely right in that given the budgets and stakes in professional sports, $20k ACV for P&H and $40k for Video is a drop in the bucket for these teams. What's critical is to have the best product, and to be at the leading edge of bringing on features the customers want that exploit the emerging technologies.

Thank you also for not mentioning "flywheels", but that's exactly what's at play here, and I'm glad Will also passed up the opportunity to mention the F-word when he talked about "scouting" as an area where $CAT will develop their capabilities - this is one selling point that STATSports push.

I've been doing a bit of research on competition in the sector, and there are quite a lot of alternatives out there. However, as far as I can tell $CAT is the global market leader, with STATSports running second. (I have to firm up my fact base on this.)

Capital Allocation

A key value driver is the rate of addition of new teams ( as well as cross-sells).

On new teams, FY24 over FY23 added 9.4% new teams, from 3031 to 3317. At that rate it takes around 4.5 years to get to 5000 teams. This is consistent with Will talking about the medium terms target and at another point referring to 3-5 years explicitly. With favourable LTV/CAC metrics, $CAT could potentially dial up the heat a little on customer acquisition, particularly once it starts generating some free cash. Upping the rate of additions to 12% gets you there is 3.6 years.

As others have mentioned, I am glad M&A is off the table. The capital allocation choice here is getting the right mix of new customer acquisition and product development. In this stage of the industry evolution, it makes sense from my perspective if all the operating cash is ploughed back into those areas. Secure the market, then drive ACV via features, value-add to customers and pricing. Again, just think of the value of the longitudual dataset acquired over a players career, and the value to be obtained in squad selection, acquisition and divestment! (It makes the analyst in me drool uncontrollably.)

Investment Decision

So, for me the investment thesis in $CAT is building nicely, I like tech global leaders with favourable unit economics and proven management, and with plenty of "blue sky" ahead.

I'm pretty much in line with @Strawman's valuation yesterday, and the 4 covering analysts are showing TPs with an average of $2.29 ($1.75-$2.91) - which all seem plausible. As ever, I personally have a wider range around this, but the risk-reward from here looks good.

$CAT is clearly ticking boxes and kicking goals (sorry!), and so today I've added another tranche in RL and put an order in on SM. I'm not in a hurry to build my full position - have to keep powder dry for potential pullbacks, but I could see myself owning a lot more of this one over time.

Held in RL (2.5%) and SM


Added 8 months ago

It’s sometimes hard for us in Australia to fathom how enormous US collegiate sports is.

Imagine turning down a coaching role for the most famous pro basketball team in the world in favour of an extension at a college.



Added 8 months ago

@mushroompanda this is truly hard to comprehend. I love my sport by 50 mil for a college contract!? Only in the US surely! Still love the opportunity for CAT


Added 8 months ago

@mushroompanda Can throw around incomprehensible numbers to coaches and directors when you don't have to pay your talent!


Added 8 months ago

@Wini and @mushroompanda ...I hope that sentiment also applies to their performance and coaching software and hardware platforms! (Judging by their investments in infratructure, like stadiums, it might.)

(Still can't get over the All Blacks switching to a freebie. C'mon.)


Added 8 months ago

In many US states, the highest paid public officals are the coaches of the state college sports teams.

Huge amounts of money involved!

@Wini I thought they'd changed the laws (at least in some states) about paying college players now?


Added 8 months ago

Catapult is an excellent product but Statsport is also very good.

My understanding is Statsport are sponsoring the All Blacks for 3 years and will be working with them to customise specific aspects including working with other data analytics experts and with SAP who are involved with data analytics within the whole All blacks organisation.

I think it’s important to remember Statsport have extensive history in rugby and a close association with World Rugbys data analytics provider (Capgemini).

The High Performance Athletics department of the All Blacks are led by well respected Dr Nic Gill. You don’t hold down that position for 15yrs+ without making good decisions.

With money not being an issue (The All Blacks main sponsors are two oil juggernaughts - Altrad and Ineos) if they thought StaSport was not up to scratch they would happily have paid for a system.

Note: I was a holder - got out - now looking for a re-entry opportunity. Where I think Catapult has the edge is it’s clear they now have someone who knows how to package and sell a product.


Added 8 months ago

@NewbieHK great insights! All this was news to me.

On the one hand, given that the AB's were with $CAT for several years, I consider losing that account as poor account management. The AB's reputation globally in the code is a huge selling point. As incumbent, Will could have offered a customisation deal/partnership as well. Clearly he chose not to.

Why not? Maybe it comes back to @mushroompanda's point. Follow the money. Globally, professional rugby is a market worth much less than the US College codes. (I'm asserting, without analysis!)


Added 8 months ago

From memory in the interview with Will he made a point about them not doing freebies…I just had a small feeling this point was “over emphasised”.

Now that aside he is the experienced business man and they have the funding and backing to pursue their model of charging top dollar for what they believe is the best product in the market.

It’s possible with Statsport not being as big a company the Sponsorship type arrangement is important to their business model.

Personally I am not sure Statsport is really a competitor. Catapult bought possibly one of there biggest potential future rivals back in 2016 (Playertek). The value for money proposition they were providing was compelling. I think it’s now rolled into their Catapult One suite.

There is a new company out of Italy GPEXE making some waves. I am guessing more will enter the scene as the price of the tech hardware comes down.

However, Catapult is really setting themselves up at the McDonalds in the elite wearable tech space. They have a great product and from what Will said over the next two years they aim to capture a significant market share (5000/20000 elite sporting teams) and focus on cross / up-selling (video).

So in terms of a business model they are really across the “we have a product” now let’s make sure it’s valued appropriately and we make it the product everyone wants (Apple) and can’t do without and price is not a question.

Note: @mikebrissy I work in the sports world so you hear things…

Added 9 months ago

Just watched the replay. That was a great interview Andrew!

It was great to get more colour on the SEC win and the opportunities there. Collegiate sports is a massive opportunity.

Will already mentioned in the FY results that the SEC deal is a multi-million dollar TCV and would rank as a top 10 deal for Catapult. The SEC is a leading conference within the NCAA which has 9 other conferences. And then there are other sports outside of American Football ...

Added 9 months ago

I missed the meeting. Looking forward to the recording. Thanks for the summary @Strawman .


Added 9 months ago

Concur with everyone's comments.

Great session with Will Andrew . Thanks .

Growth in the Operating leverage was a key take out for me providing positive momentum in a market in which they are dominant but still small.

Disc Held in RL