Forum Topics AIM AIM CEO Stock Purchase

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Added 9 months ago

CEO purchased $1.5m worth of stock on market at $0.31 taking his holdings to 16.9%.

Previous to this, around 1.5 years ago, he purchased $1m worth.

The size of the purchase is not what you typically see in ASX microcaps.

Added 9 months ago

That's huge @mushroompanda -- and it's hard to argue he wasn't well and truly aligned before this latest purchase.

Tony has agreed to come back for another interview (just finalising dates), and it'll be good to ask him about this. It's a seemingly bold move given the considerable resources being thrown at AI at the moment, and how rapidly it's all advancing, so clearly he thinks they have some kind of edge here.


Added 9 months ago

I think the bit the market doesn't appreciate with AIM is the "poles and wires" nature of a lot of what they do. Lexi is a bit like the proof of concept for automated captioning but this sort of enterprise/broadcast grade captioning is an intersection of various bits of tech and AIM, through that EEG purchase has put itself at the centre of it. So the market gets multiples larger and iCap becomes the infrastructure making it happen.

I assume the recent sell-off was because of the new iPhone that will have transcription built in. That is a world away from the products AIM offers, but demonstrates the markets lack of understanding, imo.

It's a solid purchase by Tony. As @mushroompanda said, you don't see that too often from the c-suite of a $70m company!

Ironically, the AI in AI-Media stands for Access Innovation, nothing at all to do with the current market fetish.