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Pinned valuation:

Added a month ago

21 May 2024 - Bull Case (SOFDRA now approved)

Updating the valuation based on the 14th May assumptions, now with Sofdra approved, as follows.

SOI now 1,575+233, and allowing for further dilution due to share options to 2029, giving assumed 2029 SOI=2,000m

No change to 2029 EPS, debt free, and tax rate

Eliminate FDA failure cases and resubmission scenarios

Retain 12% discount rate to reflect market uptake risk.

2029 EPS now $0.055

Gives 2029 values for P/Es 25 & 45 of $1.36 - $2.45

Discount back at 12% to 2024 gives $0.77 - $1.39

Add back in value of $70m cash of capital raised = $0.035/share

Valuation range: $0.81 - $1.43

Central Case $1.12

Which kinda explains the limited SP movement today, versus what might have been expected, given that my pre-approval, undiliuted SP was $1.13.


14 May 2024 - Bull Case

See today's Straw for full justification.

On the basis that $BOT achieve an EBIT in 2029 of US$104m, carrying no debt, and applying tax at 30% and USD:AUD 0.67 give 2029 NPAT of A$109m.

With 1,575m SOI, although $BOT will be highly cash generative quite soon, I'll allow some dilution due to share based compensation, so assume SOI of 1,800 in 2029.

That gives a 2029 EPS of $0.061.

I'll deal with the uncertainty via the P/E ratio, ranging from 25 to 45 - probably very conservative for a high growth pharma company.

I'll add a risk premium to the WACC, and discount at 12%.

My unrisked valuation range is: $0.88 to $0.1.56 (but including a margin of safety in the risk premium)

So, now I am going to apply my 90% CoS, and assume that in the 10% failure case

  1. There is a net 5% chance that there is a subsequent approval on whatever the residual issues are, and that the profile gets pushed out by another year, leading to a further discount and a further dilution of 10%.
  2. There is a net 5% chance that the drug is withdrawn amd the value of the business is $0.06 of the development portfolio.

Boiling all this up together, and I get a risked valuation of: $1.13

4 weeks ago

@mikebrisy i know the valuation is primarily based around SOFDRA however, would your valuation change considering the other products (ie BTX 1053 for acne at Phase 3) and the value in Botanix proprietary delivery system?


4 weeks ago

@NewbieHK you are right in that my valuation only connsiders Sofdra and arguably would be higher if the development portfolio was included.

I haven't attempted to value the development portfolio. In the recent EurozHartley note valuing $BOT at $0.33 pre-approval, $0.06 was assigned to the development portfolio.

My valuations are higher partly because I take the time horizon out to 4 years before applying the P/Es to the 2029 EPS. My range is so wide that the implied error swamps any value that might be assigned today to the development portfolio. Therefore I chose to ignore it.

I don't plan to look at the valuation again until we get some sales numbers reported for Sofdra and maybe there'll be some updates on the development portfolio. My numbers are so far ahead of the market that I'll just now need to sit back and see what happens. (But I did top up a little today in RL and SM, because the risk-reward still looks very good. The potential upside is the largest in my portfolio, far,... so I've taken my RL holding to 5.5%.)