Forum Topics BOT BOT Superbull Case

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Last edited 8 months ago

As @Strawman made special efforts to feed the "spreadsheet jockeys" on the call this morning, I thought it only fair to respond in kind.

Matt referred to the potential that Sofdra really takes off, being a case not at all considered in the E&P and EH valuations of $0.47 and $0.55. So I thought I'd have a go a putting some dimensions around that.

Assumptions (details shown in the spreadsheet below)

  • Assume sales build to peak over 5 years according to the profile given
  • 5% of diagnosed market captured in yr 5
  • 2.5% of undiagnosed market capture in yr 5
  • 12 scripts per year at 50% persistency (absolute, not progressive/cumulative)
  • %GM 76%; SG&A grows at 20%; R&D at 10% of revenue; nominal DD&A (capital light)
  • No debt
  • SOI grow at 2.5% per annum
  • P/E in 2029 of 50 (which is modest if this baby takes off)

Crank the handled and discount back at WACC of 10% and you get a valuation of $12bn, today.

In this scenario, they are writing 2m scripts p.a. in 2029. That's just double the rate in Japan after 3 years. With excellent marketing and execution, that's not inconceivable.

To be clear, this IS NOT my valuation. I am happy to leave my valuation at a "modest" $1.20.

The point is that if we see a strong revenue trajectory in 2Q25, 3Q25 and 4Q25, then this indicates the order of maghnitude change that could possible emerge - which is probably more in line with where Howie and Vince are thinking.

For sure, there is a lot amount of execution risk. But this kind of upside potential means that this morning I've added a further 20% to my RL holding at $0.335, and will align SM accordingly. I want to place a bigger bet here.

I wasn't around to get on the $PNV bus pre-revenue, but I'm damned sure that I'm on this one with a solid position.

I'll write a separate straw with some reflections on the SM meeting later today.


Disc: Held in RL (7%) and SM

Added 8 months ago

Firstly thank you @Strawman a really great interview. That alone was worth my years Strawman membership to get questions answered in that detail was fantastic as a long term holder.

Firstly Scuttlebutt is that the Hyperhydrosis Society in the US has not listed any details about Sofdra yet. People are watching this keenly as there are 50K members that will get direct targeted advertising immediately.

Matt confirmed that FDA approving marketing and social media campaign. Once BOT receive green light this will go off with a bang.

Matt’s point about the pharmacy distribution system being so broke. With one Pharmacy going bankrupt and the big players closing 30% of their locations is a fascinating insight. This really highlights the disruptor platform and potential for changing the way Americans get a lot of their medicines for visible - telehealth conditions. My first thought was Rosacea and Dermatitis they are diagnosed by sight. This mean other products that are in the market my opt to sign partnerships with Botanix for distribution. Wow income without capital expenditure.

The insight into the aim for between a $0 and max $35-$65 co pay was really important. So $500 net is a useful sum to plug into spreadsheets.

Most interesting take away as I suspected if pipeline progressed Rosacea seems to be the next pipeline play rather than acne - given it’s stellar 2B results. This is the 4-5th largest dermatology market in the US.

Good to finally get the information about CPL in Canada being their manufacturing partner and to understand that they have planned and financed extra manufacturing runs if Sofdra takes off hard there will be capacity to grow quickly.

Fascinating to learn that 70 to 80c in the dollar in a traditional pharmaceutical chain is clipped along the way. Avoiding wholesalers alone brings 20% of profits back to BOT. Once again this highlights the value of their platform.

It makes sense that other pharmaceuticals are likely to sign partnering or commercial agreements if they can prove that this new system works.

It was good to get clarification around the 3.7 million estimated market for AH and that it is based on current item codes not just estimated numbers

Interesting comment that any new drug launched in a space whether stellar of not is initially likely to take 30% market share.

Matt also provided clarification around competitors that I had not heard before.

-2/3rds of people offered Botox decline treatment (that is a lot) and only 1% go on to have surgery (a tiny figure).

Interesting to hear partner talks have begun in South America and Oz/ Canada. That FDA and Sofdra package should be enough for applications.

Europe is obviously more challenging.

Best comment of all Vince and Howie would be embarrassed if they didn’t beat previous Exit prices.

Exciting times ahead.


Added 8 months ago

@Nnyck777 just to clarify your point about the the Hyperhidrosis Society in the US.

I think the relevant organisation is the International Hyperhidrosis Society, as I am not aware of a distinct US organisation.

Are you talking about this organisation, or another one?

I expect that it will only list Sofdra on their page "Treatments" when the FDA had approved the marketing package. For the simple reason that wording from the package will be quoted verbatim on the site and, in the meantime, they have no basis to place information on this page.

At the moment, Sofdra is listed in the section "Treatments in Development".

Recall also that at the May $BOT Commercial Day, Lisa Peretti (Executive Director and Founder of the IHhS) was a keynote speaker for $BOT, providing a patient perspective. So, I think the leading global patient advocacy organisation is very much onboard, and will be behind Sofdra when it is launched. In fact, Lisa spoke with some strength about the lack of alternatives for patients, and this gave me a lot of confidence as she isn't on the $BOT payroll (although no doubt she was "supported" in her appearance at the event).

A key next milestone will be the announcement of the approval of the marketing package, and then to see what happens when they flick the switch. Included in this, it will be interesting to see how this is profiled on the IHhS website. That's a key research point to monitor.

I have a clear sense - both from before today, and reinforced by Matt today - that $BOT very much intend to underpromise and over-deliver. That's prudent, of course, given that they don't know what the uptake will be. There is real execution risk here, and every investor needs to understand that.

As I think about the next year, I have some observations - and its all about Sofdra GTM - everything else is noise in the short term, albeit important for the longer term.

  1. Q1 FY25: I think $BOT have been diligent in preparing the market to expect $0 revenue in Q1FY25. Matt said as much. And E&P and EH will be clear on this. However, there is a large retail holder base, and some horses might get frightened when the $0 revenue number is reported in 1Q. Should, as a result, there by a short term "volatility event", I am keeping the final 20% of my full targeted holding as "dry powder".
  2. I am very interested in the trajectory 2Q FY25 >> 3Q FY25 >> 4Q FY25, The telehealth channel should fully kick into action, and they should get their full 20-30 field force mobilised ("fired out of the cannon"). I think those three datapoints will give a very good indication of what the "S-curve" is going to look like in the US. At that time - if $PNV is anything to go by - we'll start seeing more covering analysts. One way or another, I think CY2025 is going to be spicey!

Importantly, 2. will also give a clear indication if the product isn't getting traction, and $BOT will have the early insights to determine to what extext to invest in sales and marketing. This will be particularly important in the telehealth channel. So this will be a key item to watch in the P&L.

I expect to do quite a bit of spreadsheet jockeying for $BOT over the coming year.

As you say - exciting times ahead. The ride has only begun.


Added 8 months ago

Absolutely right there @mikebrisy International HH society. Apologies typing on the fly.

Added 8 months ago

Firstly thank you @Strawman a really great interview. That alone was worth my years Strawman membership to get questions answered in that detail was fantastic as a long term holder.

Firstly Scuttlebutt is that the Hyperhydrosis Society in the US has not listed any details about Sofdra yet. People are watching this keenly as there are 50K members that will get direct targeted advertising immediately.

Matt confirmed that FDA approving marketing and social media campaign. Once BOT receive green light this will go off with a bang.

Matt’s point about the pharmacy distribution system being so broke. With one Pharmacy going bankrupt and the big players closing 30% of their locations is a fascinating insight. This really highlights the disruptor platform and potential for changing the way Americans get a lot of their medicines for visible - telehealth conditions. My first thought was Rosacea and Dermatitis they are diagnosed by sight. This mean other products that are in the market my opt to sign partnerships with Botanix for distribution. Wow income without capital expenditure.

The insight into the aim for between a $0 and max $35-$65 co pay was really important. So $500 net is a useful sum to plug into spreadsheets.

Most interesting take away as I suspected if pipeline progressed Rosacea seems to be the next pipeline play rather than acne - given it’s stellar 2B results. This is the 4-5th largest dermatology market in the US.

Good to finally get the information about CPL in Canada being their manufacturing partner and to understand that they have planned and financed extra manufacturing runs if Sofdra takes off hard there will be capacity to grow quickly.

Fascinating to learn that 70 to 80c in the dollar in a traditional pharmaceutical chain is clipped along the way. Avoiding wholesalers alone brings 20% of profits back to BOT. Once again this highlights the value of their platform.

It makes sense that other pharmaceuticals are likely to sign partnering or commercial agreements if they can prove that this new system works.

It was good to get clarification around the 3.7 million estimated market for AH and that it is based on current item codes not just estimated numbers

Interesting comment that any new drug launched in a space whether stellar of not is initially likely to take 30% market share.

Matt also provided clarification around competitors that I had not heard before.

-2/3rds of people offered Botox decline treatment (that is a lot) and only 1% go on to have surgery (a tiny figure).

Interesting to hear partner talks have begun in South America and Oz/ Canada. That FDA and Sofdra package should be enough for applications.

Europe is obviously more challenging.

Best comment of all Vince and Howie would be embarrassed if they didn’t beat previous Exit prices.

Exciting times ahead.


Added 8 months ago

Strong agree @Nnyck777...big thanks to you for all the great questions. @mikebrisy I also liked your question around repeat prescriptions as I've been thinking about this a fair bit lately.

The question on my mind is whether it matters if sales come from repeat/regular patients vs one-time patients.

My initial thought is that "a sale is a sale", so picking an arbitrary sales number and looking at both extremes we might see:

  1. Botanix selling 300,000 units to 300,000 unique patients, or
  2. Botanix selling 300,000 units by selling monthly repeat prescriptions 12 times a year to 25,000 patients.

From a revenue perspective obviously both above examples leave us in the same place. However, it is very hard to argue against repeat customers being significantly more valuable than one-time customers.

The May 2024 webinar touches on Kaken sales (at around the 46 minute mark) and the following two points are made:

  1. Kaken sold 350,000 units of Ecclock in the last 12 month reporting period.
  2. Typical topical medication refill rate in the US is around 2 per year.

Around the 1 hour mark they also mention that:

  1. 75% (or around 263,000 units) of Kaken's Ecclock sales in Japan were to new patients.
  2. Typical topical refill rate in Japan is an unspecified amount "lower than 2".

It's tempting, but I believe incorrect, to infer too much from the above information.

We don't know how many of the 25% 'non-new' patients were regular repeat patients vs patients filling out only their 2nd prescription, likewise we don't know how many of the 75% of 'new' patients have since gone on to become repeat patients.

Increasing the yearly refill rate in the US by reducing the 'refill friction' appears to be a high priority for management, much of the presentation was dedicated to informing the market how their telehealth and software platform strategy will reduce this friction.

I think it will take a while to play out, but I believe success in increasing the refill rate may be the difference between Mike's #BullCase and #Superbull case.


Added 8 months ago

@conrad spot on!

While I've been jockeying the spreadsheets hard today, I haven't built a proper persistence (i.e. SaaS Churn) model yet, but it is easy to do, (as I did one for $NEU and the structure is the same). But you are right in that this will create a lot of outcomes between the Bulll and SuperBull cases.

I've sweated (LOL) a lot over this one, and keep asking myself what am I missing. Sure you can swipe it all away with "execution risk" ... but when you look at 1) the market, 2) the voice of the customer, 3) the clinical data, 4) this management team, it is hard to be bearish.

I haven't even begun to consider Matt's remark that in an under-served market that "even without a great product you can get 30% market share". I know that to be true from my days in big pharma ... but modelling that is just too scarey. I'd mortage the house if I half believed it!

Added 8 months ago

@mikebrisy totally agree! I also topped up 20% in RL.