Pinned straw:
I know I'm kinda late to this Broker/Analyst Views discussion sorry - but I thought I'd just add a little extra flavour to the discussion
@mikebrisy mentions looking at broker consensus via sources like and which @Rick and @Chagsy have followed the thread on. I suspect looking at other places (Commsec even?) will be similar in that they might show consensus views across a range of brokers but I assume don't give any indication of when those broker/analyst views and price targets were made or updated (in theory it's possible some of them might be many years ago?)
Taking a look at PNV (assuming I'm actually interpreting this correctly since it's not my tool and I hardly ever look at it - so my analysis could be completely wrong :)) it looks like the most recent broker report/update was by Macquarie & BoFA (23rd Jul) but before that it was CLSA, Macquarie and BoFA back on 27th Feb and then only updates from just those three at regularish intervals going back to Jun 2019. My reading of that is it means any updates (including price targets) from any other major brokers (e.g. Citi, GS, JPM, MS, UBS, etc) assuming they even covered PNV are more than 5 years old? If someone has an FNArena subscription they may have a clearer view (noting I don't know what FNArena actually surfaces)?
FWIW Macquarie's 12m PT on 23/07 is $2.75, CLSA's on 27/02 was $2
Great work everyone.
i have been trying to think about things that will give larger than forecast changes in revenue. And apart from new products…India could do that. Have we had any India updates? In terms of sales? Because this market could be massive!
and then maybe barda? What would that do to sales in USA?
these may step change the sales?
just some quick thoughts before I go for a surf.
Thanks @mikebrisy
I am intrigued about your inclusion of analyst predictions. Likewise when @Rick uses them in his McNiven's Formula.
I had a bit of a search to try to find the reference and ....well gave up pretty quickly 'cos there's an open bottle of wine and roast chicken ready for me.... but I have it in my head that they over call by ~25% vs reality.
So I guess do you model things with an aggregate that you know is too high and try and incorporate a correction.
Interested in your thoughts