Forum Topics CCA CCA Q4 FY24 and FY25 guidance

Pinned straw:

Added 5 months ago

Very impressive set of results this morning, and guiding 30%+ revenue and EBITDA positive in FY25. A few things that stood out to me:

  • The 30% revenue growth guidance is not a “finger in the air” type of number. It’s backed by the recent wins and the migration of new clients onto the PaaS platform. Any additional wins or increase in demand for professional services will likely to see this guidance revised higher.
  • They’ve essentially doubled the recurring revenue base between FY23 to FY25 on the back of the PaaS launch and the customer wins associated.
  • The company is now transitioning its key focus from product development to commercialisation, now that the Vertexon platform is now live and active.

While I hate myself for plugging my own site, InvestorPA provides a good summary of the announcement made today:

Added 5 months ago

@mushroompanda thanks for the summary on the $CCA updated financials. Agree entirely with your thoughts on these numbers.

I also concur with @Slideup & @Arizona , plug away mate

Added 5 months ago

@mushroompanda plug away, I think InvestorPA is fantastic. Getting an email alert when an announcement comes out is super handy. Great idea and thanks for providing this


Added 5 months ago

@mushroompanda Plug away indeed.