Pinned straw:
Valuation - Assessing Analyst and Market Responses to Recent Data
I prefix this post with my usual disclosure that I pay little notice to the absolute $-value of broker/analyst TPs. However, in the same breath, I do find useful insights in 1) the range of analyst views, 2) how analyst views change in response to new information and 3) the relative movement in market price and analyst views.
OK, with that qualifier clear on with the show.
Over the last week or so, $NEU has seen US sales of DAYBUE (trofinetide) causing $ACAD to downgrade guidance from US$370-$420m down to $US340-$370m, further saying they are tracking towards the lower end, but have initiatives in place to lift the outcome in the remaining months of 2024.
Then we had the positive initial readout for the Phase 2 clinical trial for NNZ-2591 for the neurological condition, Angelman. While NNZ-2591 might never be commerialised for Angelmen, the data further de-risks NNZ-2591 for PMS and PH conditions in the medium term, and as a platform for a potentially wider range of neurological conditions in the longer term.
Using the latest information, I cranked the handle on my valuation, which has very wide ranges of uncertainty, changing my expected value from $31.00 to $24.00, but noting that the downside risk (c. $12) is now less likely, because with over a year of sales data for DAYBUE, the short thesis is well and truly debunked... in my view, although some in the market disagree.
OK, so that’s the recap.
By today, the 6 covering analysts have had a chance to update their models and recommendations. At least 5 of 6 have, and so I wanted to examine the changes and compare this to the market response. What I describe in the following analysis is shown visually in the picture at the bottom of this straw,
Analyst Views(n=6)
From 15 July (4 weeks ago), analyst consensus for TP have shifted -7% (-3% for most bullish; -9% for less bullish):
15-Jul: Average TP=$28.56 (range $25.00-$31.00); premium to market +40%
14-Aug: Average TP =$26.54 ($22.50-$30.00); premium to market +66%
Market Reaction
Over the same period, the market price has declined -22% from $20.45 to $16.00.
So What?
From my own evaluation, the market seems to be valuing $NEU somewhere between the fair value of US DAYBUE Sales and US+RoW DAYBUE Sales, with little value being ascribed to the value of NNZ-2591.
Alternatively, it is possible that the market still buys the short thesis on DAYBUE with a stronger recognition of the value of NNZ-2591.
I don’t think it is possible to determine which is true, as those buying and selling today and setting the price no doubt have a range of views across a wide spectrum.
On the short thesis, as the graph at the end shows, the over short position on $NEU, while still modest, continues to grow. So perhaps some in the market still don’t buy the $ACAD guidance.
Whatever the weight and risk being ascribed to DAYBUE and NNZ-2591, the gap between analysts and the market would indicate to me that any of the following items of newsflow are likely to lead to a disproportionate positive SP reaction:
1. Q3 DAYBUE sales remaining within guidance
2. News flows on engagement with Canadian and Japanese regulators on DAYBUE (not expecting to hear anything on EU until next year).
3. Positive readout from September meeting with FDA on NNZ-2591 and information on Phase 3 CT plans
Because there is so much pessimism reflected in the SP already, disappointing news flow on the above items might be expect to have a less marked downwards pressure on SP, albeit a further downgrade on DAYBUE guidance range at Q3 would obviously not be well-received!!
I am not saying that one or other of market or analysts are right or wrong. After all, if I choose to transact today, the market is right, However, considering both inputs and my own valuation helps me to understand the risk profile around this investment, whose future prospects are certainly uncertain!!
Weighing both the market and analyst responses, I am happy with my view of risk-reward as articulated in my most recent valuation straw.
Disc: Held in RL and SM
Figure 1: Screenshot from showing evolution of SP and Analyst views
Figure 2: Short Position for $NEU from