Forum Topics LYL LYL FY24 Full Year Results

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Last edited 7 months ago

21-Aug-2024: Lycopodium (LYL), my favourite ASX-listed company, reported today and the market has sold them down on their report. I have taken the opportunity to top up at $12.28/share (average price paid) and I now hold 10,000 LYL shares and they're currently my second largest real-money position behind WLE, but I fully expect LYL's position in that portfolio of mine to leapfrog the 100,000 WLE that I hold once the LYL share price recovers. In dollar terms I've spent more on my LYL stake now than I have on my WLE stake - after all, LYL is a far superior company than WLE (which is a large-cap LIC run by Matt Haupt at WAM Funds) - WLE is there for dividends mostly, and because of limited downside risk.

LYL is there for dividends and growth. I reckon a lot of why the market has dumped LYL today (currently -12.8%) is because they have declared a dividend that is lower than expected. I was expecting around 46 cents/share and they have declared a 40 cps dividend. However that's not terrible. It means that their dividends for FY24 total 77 cps vs 81 cps for FY23, a drop of around -5% and they're still on a high dividend yield compared to the wider market.


Their cash balance is also lower, but as they said in their report, they are currently very busy and their cash balance moves around a lot depending on the timing of milestone payments on their EPC projects and other factors. Importantly they remain in a very healthy net cash position with zero debt.

All in all, I'm still very happy with this report, especially the outlook statement, remembering that they have very conservative management who like to underpromise and overdeliver.


The only other negative (apart from the slightly lower dividend) is that their ROE has fallen -4% from 44% in FY23 to 42.2% for FY24. Whoop-de-do! It was 29% in FY22 and that was outstanding. The overall margin and ROE trends have been up since FY20 - the Covid pandemic increased their costs and restricted their movements and their access to the sites around the world where they were doing studies and construction in FY21 - as well as during the second half of FY20 and during part of FY22 also. ROE of over 40% is outstanding, even if it has fallen from 44% to 42.2%. That's not material at all.

LYL remain a highly profitable company that specialises in Gold Mill design and construction - so they have PLENTY of tailwinds - with a very high ROE of over 40% (for both FY23 and FY24) who currently have a HEAP of work, and good margin work too. I would have preferred a higher dividend, but the silver lining on that cloud is that I have been able to increase my LYL stake at lower levels when there is nothing structurally wrong with the company - the market just wanted more than what they got. That's what we thrive on, irrational exhuberance and irrational despair - the severe mood swings of Mr Market. LYL were already cheap, and they got cheaper today!


FY2024 Investor Presentation.PDF

FY2024 Shareholder Report.PDF

FY2024 Financial Report.PDF






Added 7 months ago

I forgot to mention - I sold all of my PLS shares today and rotated all that money into more LYL. I would like to step away from PLS while they are engaging in M&A (acquiring Latin Resources - LRS) because the shorters might actually be right about PLS I'm thinking now (due to this acquisition). So I no longer have any direct exposure to lithium (no, MIN, PLS, or any other lithium miners) however I do have some indirect exposure to lithium through LYL who are a picks and shovels play on lithium and gold, as LYL do feasibility studies and EPC, EPCM & EP&PM/EPM contracts for both gold and lithium miners. Lycopodium do work across other industries, and within other commodities, however they are most active in gold and lithium at this point, and they will always have a large amount of exposure to gold because of their decades of expertise in that sector.

Note: with those acronyms there:

  • E = Engineer/Engineering,
  • P = Procure/Procurement,
  • C=Construct/Construction,
  • M = Manage/Management, and
  • PM (as in EP & PM) = Project Manage/Management.

With a number of their overseas projects, Lycopodium often do not do the construction themselves, they instead sub-contract that out to, or more likely the project owners directly contract out that construction work to, a local in-country construction company, but Lycopodium still Manage the project, as well as do the Engineering and Procurement.

Avoiding the actual boots-on-the-ground construction work at times is part of LYL's risk management in some of the riskier parts of the globe (as in risky places to construct mines and processing plants and the associated infrastructure). That's why they are one of a very small number of companies that (a) are prepared to take on jobs in West Africa and other high-risk locations, and (b) get those jobs done to their client's satisfaction, usually on-time and on-budget. For many gold miners who operate in such places, they always go straight to Lycopodium whenever they need to build a new mine or upgrade an existing one, because of that excellent reputation that Lycopodium have.


Added 7 months ago

Good report and FWIW I am also loading up some more today. Quite enjoying some of the short term reactions this earning season to stock up


Added 7 months ago

@Bear77 I've been waiting patiently to get this around $12.00, and today I finally moved at $12.385 (another 25% of my $CSL proceeds). Close enough.

So very happy. One of the best quality engineers. We shared views and some analysis on this one earlier in the year (when I was deep diving $DUR, and it kept hitting "best in class" comparisons on several metrics. I was starting to regret having missed earlier opportunities.

But sometimes, patience and discipline yields results. Happy to finally be on board.

Not sure what to sell on SM, and am working my side hustle this afternoon, so need to mull that overnight.

Disc: Held in RL (2.5%)


Added 7 months ago

Wouldn't be surprised to see them bounce tomorrow @mikebrisy as bargain hunters move in - might even rally at the close today - but no matter - I already have my fill. They won't bounce all the way back to $14 anyway (most likely) as part of the recent run-up has undoubtedly been in anticipation of another increased full year dividend - which they didn't give us, so it's the likes of you and me who understand just how good this company is compared to their peers - and the vast majority of other companies across the whole market - that will be loading up on LYL today (and possibly tomorrow) Mike.

The trend-followers and the income investors might move on and not look back. Income for me was the icing on the cake with LYL and the thing is - @ 77cps (37 cps interim plus 40 cps final div), and a $12.40 share price, they're still paying a 6.2% dividend yield, and that's fully franked too, so worth 8.7% when grossed up to include the full value of those franking credits (which I can certainly use). That's PDG (pretty damn good) in my view. And that's just the income aspect - the thing they're likely being sold down on. And the slightly lower ROE (-4% to 42.2%) - and again, how many companies have an ROE of over 40% and zero debt and HEAPS of work, and tailwinds and pay above-market fully franked dividends?

They are my favourite ASX-listed company for many good reasons. I haven't even mentioned the 33% of the company that is owned by their Board and Management (and families of the founders) - i.e. very high insider ownership.

Get 'em in your Strawman portfolio Mike!


Added 7 months ago

I can see why it's your favourite @Bear77 -- they really are the quiet achievers. Extremely aligned, long -term thinkers with a history of outstanding execution.

I can see it was one of your very early buys on Strawman all the way back in 2018 -- at $4.30. Well done sir


Added 7 months ago

Likewise I have rotated PLS to LYL for similar reasons. Dividends help!