Forum Topics IIQ IIQ EGM - Some interesting points

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Added a month ago

They held the EGM today. As usual (and I love this) David Williams (the Chair) made a few points and then opened it up to some questions.

Here are some notes I took:

  • First of all...if you are opening these meetings up to online participants....they need to get the Audio working perfectly. If I was some fund...thinking of investing....and had logged in today...and not been able to hear or understand the CEO....i'd just switch off and go look at another company.
  • David William discussed part of the board discussion that was had today before the EGM. It was put to the IIQ management....can we speed things up / are we going hard enough developing tests for as many cancer types as possible. Leearne (the CEO)…..gave an answer I could not hear. Audio was cutting out (on their end). However, David's mic was a little better (but not brilliant)...but I believe his answer was....the ExoNet that is sold / provided to researches...the terms and conditions for use means that IIQ gets a cut of that test if it is commercialised.
  • David then went on to provide some feedback from ExoNet customers. It is working well for customers…those customers having breakthrough tests. Audio cut out here...but I think he said 'some of those customers were testing shortly' not sure what that means? Again....if you are selling a message....the audio needs to be working!
  • David then had a short discussion about the low SP. He did note that a large shareholder had been constantly selling from about 55 to 65 cents….they have 'their own financial situation'. But he did note that they had almost sold out now.
  • David also went on to say why it might be hard for a large investor to buy into an illiquid stock. ie no big investor going to buy 5 million shares when daily volume is tiny…cause they can’t sell out if they want. But once we have the ‘story’….they will come. 
  • I then asked "IIQ management always talk about having lots of shots on goal. How does David define a goal?". David provided a number of answers.
  • 1 - A successful test is a point. A successful therapeutic is a goal.
  • 2 - He then realised that he should tie that into the SP and said "but any one of those tests would result in a very large SP/movement up"
  • 3 - More shots means more chances...its a numbers that is why we want to partner with other prople doing research
  • 4 - Keep working on all options (same approach to how he got (i hope successfully) married).
  • he then rounded back to his inital remark, about wanting to 'broaden' their base/have more tests developed for more cancer types. He said within a month (i was surprised by this timeline) he wants a report from management how they will do this. He said it is likely be a mix of internal research and partnering with other external researchers.

Some observations:

  • We are getting to crunch time now (next 6 months). IIQ has lots of great research that has spawned a bunch of tech. But can they sell/commercialise it? They need to sell the SubB2M products.
  • I think the CEO has been doing a great job with the research team and moving through the different validation/approval steps. BUT....who is going to lead the selling/commercialisation. I think we need to hire a 'heavy hitter'. Load them up with loads of options.
  • I'm a little alarmed how few questions were asked. Only two online questions (one being mine)...and one person in the audience. I know David is doing more webinars etc to broaden the message. I just hope that they have someone in the IIQ team whose role it is to go out and sell the IIQ message to funds etc. David has a lot on his plate (not just salmon)....but I think they need someone full time in a commercial type role. This goes back to my point before.

What did others think?

a month ago

FYI David Williams emailed me back saying they were not aware of the audio issues. I provided him feedback on the audio and the key messages I took away.

He then sent out an email saying he is working to get 200 participants at the AGM.



a month ago

@Parko5 The fact that he got back to you and quickly is a good thing.


a month ago

David WIlliams is great.

I just wish there was someone commercial in the IIQ team. To do all the legwork. The Chairman should not be doing all the grunt work.


a month ago

@Parko5 I seem to remember him talking in his last SM meeting that he saw some opportunities to merge admin with other operations/companies.

I wonder where that is at.


4 weeks ago

@Parko5 The EGM meeting is now available to replay with captions at the side. Most of the CEOs garbled audio was magically picked up.

Regarding the pace of commercialisation, perhaps the CEO is a cautious steady-as-she-goes scientific personality, while David is obviously cracking the whip. 'It's worth crashing through'.

The discussion to me sounded promising: Their testing product is out-of-the-box being well received and experimented with in novels settings - even for transplant patients for early indications of rejection. This looks like crowd-sourcing research and product feedback, developing industry and academic familiarity with the technology, and would presumably lead to cross-pollination of ideas and use-cases and maybe even business relationships centered on 'goals'.


3 weeks ago

@Parko5 Looks like Inoviq are getting an investor relations and social media person.

Yesterday they filed an options notice of 750,000 options for 'Provision of investor relations and online content services for 3 years'.


3 weeks ago

I hope they employ a few more people.

especially in the commercial space.