Pinned valuation:
Update 22/8/2024
Updating based on FY24 results.
Updated chart below:
Must say that I was quite surprised by the market's reaction yesterday. I agree that the performance was ok given tough economic conditions but potentially shows the cyclicality involved in this industry.
The 2H FY24 was quite weak given that management have mentioned that their sales cycle usually peaks in May and June however NPAT was basically flat compared to 1H FY24.
Using a 25x PE on EPS of 28cps, gives a valuation of $7.
Disc: Held IRL and on Strawman.
Update 15/02/2024
Updating based on 1H FY24 results.
Updated chart below:
Based on historic seasonal strength in 2H, I'll assume around $45m NPAT for the full year.
25x fwd PE would give a valuation of around $7.27.
Disc: Held IRL and on Strawman.
Update 22/08/2023
Updating based on FY23 results. Below is the graph of their NPBT results.
Maintaining a 25x PE on the current set of numbers, gives me a valuation of $5.98.
I think I will likely top up at around $6.
Disc: Held IRL and on Strawman.
Update 20/01/2023
More of a target buy price to top up my current holdings. A 25x PE would equate to a share price around $6.20.
$6.20 is also the valuation for DTL assuming 15x EPS growth for 5 years and discounting back 10%pa.
Disc: Held IRL and on Strawman
Update 14/07/2022
DTL are reporting NPBT of $44m for FY22. NPAT ~$30.36m
$5.75 valuation would give a fwd PE of ~30x
For a company that has grown NPAT YOY by 19% this isn't too demanding IMO
Disc: Held IRL and on Strawman
Original Report
Assuming NPAT of $29.5m for FY22 (See my Straw)
PE of 30x = 885m MC
SOI = 154.3m
Valuation = $5.75
Look at this one every six months or so, what i saw--different CEO. different CFO, different accounting, changes in segmentals, negative CFO (which is not that unusual for DTL)......
good business but a lot to digest, i had to check the cover of the AR to make sure i had the right company. lol
not surprised at the confusion,
Guess the analysts will keep plugging the narrative that IT sector is still in a downturn despite some resilience here. That's what I'm seeing in the price action