Pinned straw:
So with the recent announcements out today, I'm not sure why the stock in this one has tanked so hard.
Revenue is up and margin on tickets will be increasing on their page, lottery sales and managed services industries are growing and operating cash flow is up 9%. Growth for next year is expected to be modest but should be higher than this year. Even if there is a normalisation back to 40-45 jackpots per year, they still managed to deliver TTV growth in the previous years with this number of jackpots (as you can see in the Presentation extract below)
The impact of the Canadian rebalance of contracts is likely to be easily covered by the other growth in the business as this segment is only 5% of the TTV.
I really believe that the SAAS model is the way of the future for major charitable lotteries, and JIN would be well placed to pick up more of these home lottery style contracts in the future.
On the flipside, I am happier as a shareholder that the lower price of this stock should provide some better value under the share buyback scheme.
I feel like either I am missing some of the picture here, or the PE has been clawed back to reflect more modest growth opportunities. Can anyone share some further insights?