Forum Topics VYS VYS Trading Halt

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Added 6 months ago

Vysam has today gone into a trading halt "pending an announcement in relation to a potential material acquisition and capital raising"

"the Company anticipates that the trading halt will end on the earlier of a release of an announcement to the market in relation to the material acquisition and capital raising, and the commencement of normal trading on Friday, 13 September 2024, and requests that the trading halt remain in place until that time"

Disc~ I hold in RL

Added 6 months ago

It will be interesting to see what they're up to. I know they've been talking about wanting to get a foothold on the east coast. As always there's a risk of acquiring another business but I am impressed with the track record of management so far and happy to keep holding until proven otherwise.


Added 6 months ago

Some news about acquiring or merging with CMP group

Don't have access to the AFR article.

Looks like vysarn will have a more stable client base after this.