Total upfront consideration of $24.0m cash + 10.0m shares.
VYSARN LIMITED (ASX:VYS) - Ann: CMP Presentation and Capital Raising, page-1 - HotCopper | ASX Share Prices, Stock Market & Share Trading Forum
Vysarn to raise approx. $38.2m via a single tranche placement under its existing placement capacity under ASX Listing Rule 7.1 and 7.1A for funding of the upfront cash consideration of $24.0m for CMP, plus any working capital / debt adjustment payable by Vysarn. • Remaining funds to be allocated to future growth initiatives and the ongoing development of the Kariyarra water resource.

Trading Friday: Share price reaction up 2%
VYS; compounding growth .. chart is up left to right..
Return (inc div) 1yr: 137.50% 3yr: 78.16% pa 5yr: 50.26% pa