Forum Topics WAT WAT Business Model/Strategy

Pinned straw:

Added 2 months ago

Recently I looked at Waterco as there seems to be lots of news about clean water becoming more important as populations grow.

Although there is some details about commercial products on their website and recent acquisition about Davey, unfortunately there is not much detail about long term strategy such as expanding into new verticals outside of the swimming pool and leisure sector. There is a comment on new markets but that can mean just opening new distribution channels for pool products somewhere in Asia which Waterco are doing.

And the emphasis of pools is everywhere in this report so am a bit disappointed that they don't understand the "water theme" very well. You can see for yourself in the commentary.



I know I'm being a bit vague about the whole "water theme" but that is because I am still doing some research. For some clues, have a read of the Xylem sustainability reports and then work backwards from there and see if what they write could form an investment thesis.

Meanwhile the thought of finding a water company listed on the ASX (excluding Vysarn) that does not look at just water treatment or pool products goes begging. Even Rubicon water which listed recently can't get any traction.

Finally, I'm also annoyed about is the lack of access to ETFs investing in water companies on the ASX as well although none of them can perform better than IVV (SP500 index). They can only be traded on the US market.


Meanwhile I'll give Waterco a pass until they can figure out what to do other than buybacks or dividends.

Added 2 months ago

Have you looked at D2O - duxton water?


Added 2 months ago

Yes but Duxton share price hasn't done much in the last year. I guess all they do is water entitlements for farmers still?

Seriously though I think I'm looking for something that embeds itself within the water thematic if you know what I mean.


Added 2 months ago

One more thing to add...

Duxton D2O is an LIC doing buybacks to support the stock price

I'll be interested if they put some money into setting up a fund that buys up the best water companies that are listed globally so I don't have to put more money in my US account to buy those ETFs

Definitely a huge disconnect between those ETFs on water companies and the D2O share price.

Or the management of D2O aren't as switched on as the ETF fund manager. D2O has background in water markets only while the ETFs are taking a holistic approach including water management and infrastructure.

Which goes to show that LICs sometimes isn't best option.

As an additional clue, read the Amazon sustainability report. They don't care about the water market, just care about not using too much water.

With Waterco off my list (but only temporarily till there are board changes or strategy) and excluding Vysarn (who seems to understand the water theme better than anyone else), I'm possibly left with 2 that I'm looking at listed on the ASX but they are more exposed to the building industry.