Forum Topics VTM VTM Price Jump

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Added 4 weeks ago

I have no idea why $VTM jumped almost 15% today. There seems to be no new market announcements or click bait that i can see. No complaining of course, just curious as to what caused the sudden rush and price spike.

4 weeks ago

Victory Metals' Annual Report came out after the market closed yesterday @lowway so the market only got to react to it today.

VTM Annual Report 2024 [17-Sept-2024: 4:22pm]

Also: VTM Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statement [17-Sept-2024: 4:28pm]

Other than that, it could also be due to improved sentiment around REEs (Rare Earth Elements) seeing as Victory's main focus is currently on their North Stanmore REE Project in the Cue region, in the Midwest of WA.

There's this: [14-Sept-2024]

Further Reading:

VTM has applied for a mining licence, so that has apparently got people to take some notice - [15-Aug-2024]

Also - they are currently drilling, so that tends to generate interest - Drilling Commenced at Heavy Rare Earth Project [6-Sept-2024] "5,000m AC drilling program at North Stanmore has commenced with drilling scheduled to be completed by the end of September 2024"

There might be somebody or some fund accumulating shares, or there might be another company building a strategic position. Could be a combination of those things.

My money would be on the Annual Report; that said, I have no money in VTM.


4 weeks ago

Thanks for running an eye over this @Bear77.

I'm across most of the info you mentioned, in fact anything that is publicly available. There was no surprises (at least to me) in the annual report, so I'm thinking external forces or internal buyers just happy to see they are moving ahead with what was promised previously e.g. mining leases and ongoing drilling that is getting good REE results to date.


4 weeks ago

Buy on the rumour, sell on the fact? Today's drilling update from Victory Metals says, “The positive XRF analyses 2.6km south of our existing MRE indicate the potential for mineralisation beyond what we have already identified and provides an exciting opportunity for resource expansion." 

That's the idea of the drilling of course, but no positive SP movement today on this update after plenty of upward momentum over recent trading days, especially yesterday. Could just be money rotating into Australian Rare Earths and people thinking that this project has some positive movement both in terms of permitting applications and resource expansion @lowway .

But I agree with you that the magnitutude of yesterday's rise does seem to suggest some serious buying either by insiders or someone outside trying to build a decent position. Perhaps a WA-based iron ore billionaire? What's Gina been up to lately?


4 weeks ago

Ha, so right @Bear77 and almost as quickly as they go up......they go down. Still seems like they are heading in the right direction and worth holding for the longer term in my SM portfolio. Sold out of my IRL portfolio but may buy in again down the track if drilling continues and positive results follow.