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I note that on page 23 of their 2024 Annual Report ALS said they had experienced, "margin dilution from some recent acquisitions, minor impacts from lower volumes in Minerals, and unfavourable currency impacts in the high margin Commodity locations in emerging markets."
So there may be less tests being required, or ALS could be losing market share to competitors. Regarding gold specifically, I don't know what percentage of testing across their Minerals division is in the gold sector, and whether declines in the prices of other commodities have more than offset the rise in the gold price because of their commodity mix - in terms of demand fluctuations for their testing services (such as drill core assay results). I.e. there would be almost zero companies drilling for nickel at this point I would have thought, as just one example, except in Indonesia.
One minor factor that may become more of a factor over the next few years are large miners buying PhotonAssay devices from Chrysos Corporation (C79) and then doing their own testing in-house rather than getting testing companies like ALS to do it for them. We know Barrack and a few other large goldies have already purchased PhotonAssay systems, and more will follow, but it would be very unlikely to extend all the way down the foodchain to explorers and project developers because of the minimum test numbers p.a. required for it to be economically viable for C79 to install the systems. They are all going to go to the customers who do the most tests per year - at least for the next few years - as C79 are constrained by the cost and logistics of building and installing these units, and then training up staff at the site to use them. I assume ALS have already switched over from Fire Assay to PhotonAssay @edgescape - for gold testing?