Forum Topics VBTC VBTC Bear Case

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Added 3 months ago

Added 3 months ago

Most of this article was the usual incorrect/misunderstood, tropes of why Bitcoin will not succeed (energy use, transaction speed, layering centralisation, etc).

However, I think worth persevering through for one good observation; The US holding Bitcoin would amount to buying a hugely speculative asset with debt. A much better option would be for them to sell any BTC they acquire and reduce their debt (not that'll make much difference).

If they got their house in order - maybe then it'd be worth doing.

I'm not gonna hold my breath for the US to hold BTC on their balance sheet - but don't require it for my Bitcoin thesis anyway.


Added 3 months ago

I view it the same way too, but the piece does offer a good summary and something to think about especially with respect to its potential as a transaction medium that's widely adopted.

The bigger picture exposes an asset class that has far exceed the return of any other since it was established, and has survived and even thrived despite multiple gut wrenching bear markets, indicating it is anti-fragile.